The Multi-frequency Angular Power Spectrum (MAPS) estimator
The user is referred to section 3.2 of Mondal et al. 2018 ( for a detailed description of the algorithm.
The code starts by reading a gridded data in cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates or in (theta_x, theta_y, nu) coordinates.
You need to install FFTW-3.x.x with the following flags: '--enable-float', '--enable-threads' and '--enable-openmp' to compile this set of codes. Look at the installation instruction
Use the makefile for compilation in the following manner:
$ make
It will create the executable 'MAPS'.
In the 'Input Parameters' section of the code, you need to specify
- The number of angular multipole (l) bins
- Grid spacing in Mpc
- Delta-theta
- Delta-nu in MHz
according to your need.
An input data "LC8" (binary data) has been provided here for testing.
To run:
$ ./MAPS
If you are using this code, please consider acknowledging the following papers.
- Mondal et al. 2018
- Mondal et al 2019
- Mondal et al. 2020
- Mondal et al 2021