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File metadata and controls

211 lines (143 loc) · 17.8 KB



Daily practices and my journey for the 100DaysOfSwift Challenge.

📌 What's New Today?

📋 Topics

Fundamentals of Swift

Consolidation One

Starting iOS

This mainly covers the basics about Table Views, Image Views, App Bundles, FileManager, TypeCasting, ViewControllers, Storyboards, Outlets, Auto Layout, UIImage, Outlets, @2x and @3x, Asset Catalogs, UIButton, CALayer, UIColor, Random Numbers, Actions, UIAlertController, UIBarButton and UIActivityViewController.

Consolidation Two

Web Views, User Input and AutoLayout

This mainly covers the fundamentals of - loadView(), WKWebView, Delegation, URL, URLRequest, UIToolbar, UIProgressView, Key-Value Observing, Reloading table views, Inserting rows, Text inputs in alerts, Strings and UTF-16, Closures and capture lists, NSRange, Equal heights, Aspect Ratio Constraints in AutoLayout, Visual Formatting Language in AutoLayout and Anchors in AutoLayout.

Consolidation Three

Codable, Buttons and GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)

This mainly covers the fundamentals of - Downloading JSON with Data, Codable Protocol, UITabBarController, UIStoryboard, String Functions (addTarget(), enumerated(), joined(), replacingOccurences()), GCD, DispatchQueue and Quality of Service(QoS) and performSelector()

Consolidation Four

A Whole New World

This mainly covers the fundamentals of: UICollectionViewController, UIImagePickerController, UUID (Universally Unique Identifier), NSObject Subclasses, fatalError(), SpriteKit Fundamental Basics, SKEmitterNode, SKLabelNode, SKAction, SKNode, SKSpriteNode, SKPhysicsBody, SKPhysicsBodyDelegate, CGFloat, Radians, Blendmodes, NSCoding, Codable Protocol and UserDefaults

Consolidation Five

Images and Animations

This mainly covers the fundamentals of: UISlider, UIImagePickerController, CoreImage, CIContext, CIFilter, SKActionsequences, DispatchQueue AsyncAfter, SKTexture, SKCropNode, Adding Sound in SpriteKit Games, Animations, animate(duration:), CGAffineTransformation and Spring Animations

Consolidation Six

Maps and Bugs

This mainly covers the fundamentals of: MKMapView, MKAnnotation, CLLocationCoordinate2D, MKPinAnnotationView, MKMapViewDelegate, SpriteKit, Linear damping, Angular damping, Collision detection, Timer, Debugging using assert() , Debugging using print(), Breakpoint Exceptions, Conditional Breakpoints and View Debugging

Consolidation Seven

Leveling up

This mainly covers the fundamentals of: NSExtensionItem, UITextView, Notification Center, UIBezierPath, for case let in, Color blending, Shake gesture, UNUserNotificationCenter, UNNotificationRequest, UNNotificationCategory and didRecieve method of UserNotifcations Framework

Consolidation Eight

Beacons and Bombs

This mainly covers fundamentals of: CoreLocation, CLLocationManagerDelegate, CLBeaconRegion, CaseIterable, AVAudioPlayer, SKShapeNode, Physics Speed, removeFirst, Action Groups and Sequence, NSAttributed Strings and Writing Extensions

Consolidation Nine

Multipeer and Motion

This mainly covers the fundamentals of: MultipeerConnectivity, UICollectionView, MCSession, MCPeerID, MCAdvertiserAssistant, MCBrowserViewController, CoreMotion, Compiler Preprocessors, SKAction sequences, Combining bitmasks using |, fatalError(), UInt32, UIGraphicsImageRenderer, CGRects and NSAttributedString

Consolidation Ten

The Final Countdown

This mainly covers the fundamentals about: UITextView, NotificationCentre, KeyChain, LocalAuthentication, FaceID/Biometric Authentication, SKView, Connecting SpriteKit and UIKit, SKTransitions, Working with Mathematics and Physics, Instruments App, Time Profilers, Allocations Instruments, Advance CoreGraphics and CALayer, Persistent and Transient Storage and Reference Cycles

Consolidation Eleven

The Final Examination

📚 Blogs

I wrote for myself to understand things better and also help other!

Happy Coding!