Tries to mimick behaviour of other languages (like PHP), which allow you to have multiple catch blocks with different error types.
Basic usage is as follows:
// an example implementation could be as follows
import { Try } from '@randock/try';
await<void>(async () => {
// do something that might throw an exception
.catch(SpecificError, error => {
// if "SpecificError" is thrown, this catch block is called
.catch(AnotherSpecificError, async error => {
// if "AnotherSpecificError" is thrown, this catch block is called
.catch([FirstError, SecondError], async error => {
// if "FirstError" or "SecondError" is thrown, this catch block is called
.catch(async error => {
// This is the catch-all, if none other matched.
// If the original thrown thing is not an instance of Error,
// it will be converted to an instance of ObjectError.
.finally<void>(async () => {
// finally
If you don't use the "finally" block, you need to call .run();
await<void>(async () => {
}).catch(async error => {})