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An Introduction to Natural Language Processing

These notes accompany the more detailed slides and talk given in the workshop. It is highly encouraged but not required to follow along with the code snippets. With few exceptions you should be able to simply copy and paste the code boxes directly into R, though feel free to experiment with code as we go along!


Simple example

A simple example from the opening lines of Albert Camus's L’Étranger:

sIn <- "Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure."

We can do a simple version of tokenization using spaces:

strsplit(sIn, split=" ")

Loading data and code

Before we apply more sophisticated techniques, we'll load in a set of functions into R that help us work with the NLP pipeline. This can be done by the calling the following inside of R (internet connection required):


Next, download the zip file containing all of the data in today's workshop: zip file. Unzip the archive and place it on your desktop.

We now need to set the working directory of R to the annotations directory. This can be done through the R command menu by:

  • Macs: go to the Misc menu, select Change Working Directory, and select the appropriate directory
  • Windows: go to the File menu, select Change Working Directory, and select the appropriate directory
  • RStudio: go to Session, go down to Set Working Directory, go to Choose Directory, and select the appropriate adirectory

You can alternatively run the following inside R to set the working directory on a Mac:


Or on windows:


With your username filled in in place of your_user_name.

Simple example again

We'll now look at what we call the annotation of the string sIn. This is the result of applying the entire NLP pipeline to the string of text. At the end of the workshop we will show you how to do the annotation yourself, but for now we will just load in pre-annotated text in the sake of time:

annotation <- readRDS("simple_annotation.Rds")

Notice the information that is displayed when we print the annotation (objects in R are printed when we write the object's name on its own line and hit enter).

To actually see the tokenization from the annotation, we run the following:


We can also see how these tokens are split into sentences by this code snippet:


We will look at other aspects of annotation objects throughout the workshop.

Other languages

Now let's take the original French version of L’Étranger:

strIn <- "Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Ou peut-être hier, je ne sais pas. J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile."

If we produce a standard English annotation the tokenization does a reasonably close approximation, but makes a lot of mistakes:

annoEnglish <- readRDS("annoEnglish.Rds")

It is possible to load a French-specific NLP pipeline that corrects all of these issues.

annoFrench <- readRDS("annoFrench.Rds")

At the end when we show how to actually run the annotations, there will be a description of how to select the desired language as well.

A longer application

Now, read in the entire annotation from the Sherlock Holmes' short story 'A Scandel in Bohemia':

anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds")

Notice how many tokens and sentences there are. We can visualize the lengths of sentences using a histogram:

sentLen <- table(getToken(anno)$sentence)
hist(sentLen, breaks=30)

We are already getting a sense of the writing style in the text.

Lemmatization and Part of Speech Tagging

Now, look at the lemmatization and part of speech tagging from the second sentence in our short story:

anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds")
token <- getToken(anno)

Universal tagset

Converting to the universal tagset, note the distribution of parts of speech:

ut <- universalTagset(token$POS)

See which Penn parts of speech are associated with nouns and verbs:

unique(token$POS[ut == "NOUN"])
unique(token$POS[ut == "VERB"])

Some data analysis

Now, let's do a bit of data analysis and try to understand the distribution of parts of speech within a given sentence

nounCnt <- tapply(ut == "NOUN", token$sentence, sum)
pronCnt <- tapply(ut == "PRON", token$sentence, sum)
adjCnt <- tapply(ut == "ADJ", token$sentence, sum)
verbCnt <- tapply(ut == "VERB", token$sentence, sum)
posDf <- data.frame(nounCnt,pronCnt,adjCnt,verbCnt)

Does the second lind of posDf match the part of speech codes we saw at the top of this section? Let's visualize this now:

plot(nounCnt + pronCnt, adjCnt, pch=19, cex=1, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.02))
plot(nounCnt + pronCnt, verbCnt, pch=19, cex=1, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.02))

Most frequent lemmas

Take a look at the most frequntly used Nouns:

index <- which(ut=="NOUN")
tab <- table(token$lemma[index])

And verbs:

index <- which(token$POS == "NNP")
tab <- table(token$lemma[index])

Do the results surprise you or reveal anything particular about the story?


Now, let's re-load our text (just in case it get's modified or deleted for some reason) and extract both the tokens and the dependencies:

anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds")
token <- getToken(anno)
dep <- getDependency(anno)

Now look at the dependencies from the first sentence:

dep[dep$sentence == 1,]

Try to change the 1 to a different sentence. Is the structure of the dependencies starting to make some sense?

Verb usage by gender

An interesting application of dependencies is to see which verbs are associated with certain characters. Here is a code snippet that finds all dependencies between the pronoun he and a verb associated with he.

index <- which(token$lemma[dep$depIndex] == "he" &
      universalTagset(token$POS[dep$govIndex]) == "VERB")
depSelf <- dep[index,]
depSelf <- depSelf[depSelf$type == "nsubj",]

Take note of all the verbs associated with the male pronoun. Now repeat the analysis with the pronoun she:

index <- which(token$lemma[dep$depIndex] == "she" &
      universalTagset(token$POS[dep$govIndex]) == "VERB")
depSelf <- dep[index,]
depSelf <- depSelf[depSelf$type == "nsubj",]

How do the verbs associated with female characters seem to differ from the male characters? Do you find this surprising?

Finding compound nouns

Another usage of dependencies is to construct compound nouns from multiple words, such as New York City and Sherlock Holmes. The following code snippet finds all dependencies which link two compound, proper nouns (the toupper lines are particular to this text to remove several words that were transcribed in all capital letters):

index <- which(dep$type == "nn" &
          token$POS[dep$govIndex] == "NNP" &
          token$POS[dep$depIndex] == "NNP" &
          (toupper(token$token) != token$token)[dep$govIndex] &
          (toupper(token$token) != token$token)[dep$depIndex])
nnDep <- dep[index,]

We can look at the nnDep object now, but there is still some work to do to actually paste the compound nouns together:


The code to collapse multiple words together is below; the main reason for being a bit complicated is because it needs to handle cases, like New York City, that have more than just 2 words put together:

pname <- startIndex <- endIndex <- NULL
for (g in unique(nnDep$govIndex)) {
  these <- c(which(nnDep$depIndex == g),
            which(nnDep$govIndex == g))
  these <- range(c(nnDep$depIndex[these],nnDep$govIndex[these]))
  out <- paste(token$token[these[1]:these[2]],collapse=" ")
  pname <- c(pname, out)
  startIndex <- c(startIndex, these[1])
  endIndex <- c(endIndex, these[2])
pnames <- data.frame(pname,startIndex,endIndex,

Now looking at the unique compound, proper nouns we get a sense of the people and places in the text:


Notice that there is a ways to go to creating a complete character list, but at least this is a good start!

Named Entity Recognition

Now, lets took at the results of getToken in more detail. There are a number of columns that we ignored previously that contain the named entity recognition information:

anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds")
token <- getToken(anno)

Take note of all the different categories that are supplied. We will look at a few of these today.


The location NER in this story picks up a number of places that are referenced or visited in the story:


Date and numbers

The date entity recognition can be seen in action in sentence 18, where it converts a long form data into a standard ISO-8601 format:


And likewise the number entity converts written forms of numbers into numeric values:



In order to detect characters, we can make use of the person named entity tag. The following code snippet uses this information to filter out pnames list of characters to remove proper names that do not appear to be people:

these <- which(token$NER == "PERSON")
pnames <- pnames[which(pnames$endIndex %in% these),]
these <- these[-which(these %in% pnames$endIndex)]
newPnames <- data.frame(pname=token$token[these],
pnames <- rbind(pnames,newPnames)
pnames <- pnames[toupper(pnames$pname) != pnames$pname,]

Note that this code block will only run correctly if you ran the code in the previous section to construct the original pnames dataset.


The final step in the NLP pipeline that we will look at today can be extracted by using the getCoreference function. We read all of the data back in, again just in case something gets modified or deleted:

anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds")
token <- getToken(anno)
coref <- getCoreference(anno)

Which tokens are associated with corefId number 1?

table(token$token[coref$startIndex[coref$corefId == 1]])

We can alternatively look at the set of lemmas associated with this id:

table(token$lemma[coref$startIndex[coref$corefId == 1]])

What character seems to be associated with id 1?

Mapping ID to Name

To more methodically map corefId to a character, we first see which coreferences seem to directly map to our table of characters:

index <- match(as.numeric(coref$endIndex), pnames$endIndex)

We then create the mapping from ID to character name:

temp <- tapply(pnames$pname[index[!]],
              function(v) {names(rev(sort(table(v))))[1]} )
perMap <- data.frame(corefId=names(temp),perName=temp)

Most important characters

We can now combine corefID's that appear to map to the same character (remember, coreference resolution is an active field of research and far from perfect). A rought count of how often each character is mentioned is then given by:

tab <- table(coref[,1])
index <- match(perMap$corefId, names(tab))
perMap$count <- tab[index]
charImport <- sort(tapply(perMap$count, perMap$perName, sum),TRUE)

This should seem reasonable, but is again far from perfect. Dr. Watson for instance is almost certainly under counted, as he also the narrator of the story and should be associated with any use of first person pronouns outside of quotes.

Generalize to other stories (time permitting)

We have up to now only looked at one of the Sherlock Holmes short stories. How would our analysis of the NLP pipeline look different with another one of the stories? We can evaluate this by replacing the code snippet anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds"), with any of the following:

anno <- readRDS("holmes/01_a_scandal_in_bohemia.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/02_the_red_headed_league.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/03_a_case_of_identity.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/04_the_boscombe_valley_mystery.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/05_the_five_orange_pips.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/06_the_man_with_the_twisted_lip.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/07_the_blue_carbuncle.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/08_the_speckled_band.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/09_the_engineers_thumb.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/10_the_noble_bachelor.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/11_the_beryl_coronet.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/12_the_copper_beeches.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/13_silver_blaze.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/14_the_yellow_face.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/15_the_stock_brokers_clerk.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/16_the_gloria_scott.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/17_the_musgrave_ritual.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/18_the_reigate_puzzle.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/19_the_crooked_man.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/20_the_resident_patient.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/21_the_greek_interpreter.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/22_the_naval_treaty.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/23_the_final_problem.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/24_the_empty_house.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/25_the_norwood_builder.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/26_the_dancing_men.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/27_the_solitary_cyclist.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/28_the_priory_school.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/29_black_peter.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/30_charles_augustus_milverton.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/31_the_six_napoleons.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/32_the_three_students.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/33_the_golden_pince_nez.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/34_the_missing_three_quarter.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/35_the_abbey_grange.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/36_the_second_stain.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/37_the cardboard box.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/38_wisteria lodge.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/39_the bruce-partington.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/40_the devils foot.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/41_the red circle.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/42_the disappearance of lady frances.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/43_the dying.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/44_his last bow.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/45_the_illustrious_client.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/46_the_blanched_soldier.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/47_the_mazarin_stone.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/48_the_three_gables.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/49_the_sussex_vampire.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/50_the_three_garridebs.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/51_the_problem_of_thor_bridge.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/52_the_creeping_man.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/53_the_lion's_mane.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/54_the_veiled_lodger.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/55_shoscombe_old_place.Rds")
anno <- readRDS("holmes/56_the_retired_colourman.Rds")

Pick a new story and rerun all of the analysis that we have done. How well does our code do on picking up interesting features of this new story? Are there any news errors that crop up?

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

Detecting main characters

Let's put all that we have learned today together to extract the most important character (other than Sherlock or Dr. Watson) from all the 56 short stories. The code chunk to do it is below. Don't be overwhelmed by its complexity; just copy, run, and analyze the results at first. It is really just all of the code we have already seen just put into a single block:

output = c()
outputGraphics = list()
iter = 1
for (f in dir("holmes/",full.names=TRUE)) {
  anno = readRDS(f)
  token = getToken(anno)
  dep = getDependency(anno)
  coref = getCoreference(anno)

  # Dependency part
  index = which(dep$type == "nn" &
            token$POS[dep$govIndex] == "NNP" &
            token$POS[dep$depIndex] == "NNP" &
            (toupper(token$token) != token$token)[dep$govIndex] &
            (toupper(token$token) != token$token)[dep$depIndex])
  nnDep = dep[index,]

  pname = startIndex = endIndex = NULL
  for (g in unique(nnDep$govIndex)) {
    these = c(which(nnDep$depIndex == g),
              which(nnDep$govIndex == g))
    these = range(c(nnDep$depIndex[these],nnDep$govIndex[these]))
    index = these[1]:these[2]
    words = token$token[index][token$POS[index] != "." &
                              token$NER[index] %in% c("O","PERSON")]
    out = paste(words,collapse=" ")
    pname = c(pname, out)
    startIndex = c(startIndex, these[1])
    endIndex = c(endIndex, these[2])
  pnames = data.frame(pname,startIndex,endIndex,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  # NER
  these = which(token$NER == "PERSON")
  pnames = pnames[which(pnames$endIndex %in% these),]
  these = these[-which(these %in% pnames$endIndex)]
  newPnames = data.frame(pname=token$token[these],
  pnames = rbind(pnames,newPnames)
  pnames = pnames[toupper(pnames$pname) != pnames$pname,]

  pnames$pname = gsub("Mister", "Mr.", pnames$pname)
  for (j in 1:nrow(pnames)) {
    matchString = gsub(" ", "[^.]*", pnames$pname[j])
    these = grep(matchString,pnames$pname)
    pnamesSet = pnames$pname[these]
    pnames$pname[j] = pnamesSet[which.max(nchar(pnamesSet))]

  index = match(as.numeric(coref$endIndex), pnames$endIndex)
  temp = tapply(pnames$pname[index[!]],
                function(v) {names(rev(sort(table(v))))[1]} )
  perMap = data.frame(corefId=names(temp),perName=temp)

  tab = table(coref[,1])
  index = match(perMap$corefId, names(tab))
  perMap$count = tab[index]
  charImport = sort(tapply(perMap$count, perMap$perName, sum),TRUE)
  removeThese = c(grep("Sherlock", names(charImport)),
                 grep("Holmes", names(charImport)),
                 grep("Watson", names(charImport)))
  if (length(removeThese)) charImport = charImport[-removeThese]
  output = c(output, names(charImport)[1])

  crefIds = perMap$corefId[perMap$perName == names(charImport)[1]]
  places = coref$startIndex[coref$corefId %in% crefIds]
  outputGraphics[[iter]] = places / nrow(token)
  iter = iter + 1
output = gsub(" ,", ",", output)

The list of characters is then given by:


Plotting character locations

We can now make a plot of when each of these characters is mentioned in each story:

for (j in 1:length(outputGraphics)) {
         pch=19, cex=0.4)

How well do these explain the narrative arc of each short story?

Annotating your own text

Getting set-up

To annotate text yourself (that is, to apply the NLP pipeline to new text) you will need to install the coreNLP package that we wrote. This needs to be done just once, by running following code in R:


Choose a mirror site and the installation should run in less a couple of minutes.

You then need to download the java files from the coreNLP website. This should also be done from within R, with the following command:


The file is about 350MB; this could take a while depending on your internet connection speed.

Now, any time you want to annotate text, run the following lines from within R:


As long as the last line spits out a bunch of text that suggests various things are being loaded, you are ready to go. If you get an error, please ask or e-mail us directly for assistance, or see the discussion on: Problems almost always have to do with setting up Java correctly, and are rarely a function of issues with the coreNLP package directly.

Running the annotation

Once you have set up the package correctly and loaded and initalized the annotation engine:


You can annotate text by using the annotateString function:

sIn <- "Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure."
anno <- annotateString(sIn)

The anno object can be used the exact same way the annotation objects we loaded directly during the workshop. If you have a lot of text, you can also call annotateFile and point it directly at a file on our computer.

Other languages

In order to run the NLP pipeline on other languages, you need to create a text file that contains a list of properties that change the default behavior of the annotator. For example, if you create a file (in a text editor, not a word processor!) with the following:

annotators = tokenize, ssplit
tokenize.language = fr

And then in R run:


Then, subsequent calls to annotateString and annotateFile should apply the French parser to the code. We are working on a way of making this easier in a future version of the package.