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Working on Chrome OS

mandar1jn edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 6 revisions

Setting up the development environment

Chrome OS does not have a Linux console by default, but one can be installed via settings. To get started, open the Settings app and scroll down. Then expand the advanced options and scroll down until you see the Developers header. Below there should be an option to activate the Linux development environment. Once you click this button you will be prompted to enter a username and a size to allocate for linux. The default 10Gb should be enough.

After having set up the development environment you will need to make sure your packages are up to date first by running these commands.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install required tools

You need a GCC (or alternative C99 compiler) and make. Git should be automatically installed.

sudo apt install build-essential

Optionally, you could use CMake building system.

sudo apt install cmake

Install required libraries

For raylib to compile, you will need some additional libraries installed

sudo apt install mesa-common-dev libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev

Build raylib using make

You can compile three different types of raylib library:

  • The static library (default method)
  • The dynamic shared library (often used on Linux)
  • The web library

Download the raylib repository from Github, then compile it with:

git clone raylib
cd raylib/src/
make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP # To make the static version.
make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED # To make the dynamic shared version.
make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_WEB # To make web version.

Warning: if you want to compile a different type of library (static, ...), you must type make clean before the compiling.

Install the library to the standard directories, usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include, or remove it:

sudo make install # Static version.
sudo make install RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED # Dynamic shared version.

sudo make uninstall
sudo make uninstall RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED

NOTE: raylib is configurable and can be be built in a variety of ways. Please read src/Makefile, src/config.h and raylib.h itself for a full listing of available options and values.

Build raylib using CMake

Building with cmake on Linux is easy, just use the following:

git clone raylib
cd raylib
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install

In case any dependencies are missing, cmake will tell you.

NOTE: raylib is configurable and can be be built in a variety of ways. See the CMake Build Options for a full listing of available options and values. Alternatively, you may use the curses UI provided by ccmake(1) for interactively configuring raylib.

Building Examples

If you have installed raylib with make install, Just move to the folder raylib/examples and run:


If raylib was installed with make install RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED


A more detailed command for the OpenGL ES GRAPHICS variant is:

    CFLAGS="-fPIC -I/usr/include/GL" LDFLAGS='-L/usr/local/lib/raysan5 -lGLESv2 -lglfw3'

To compile just one specific example, add flags as needed:

make core/core_basic_window PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP

To force recompile one example:

make core/core_basic_window PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP -B

The raylib/games folder can be made the same way as the examples. Have fun!

Link raylib with system GLFW

Instead of using the embedded GLFW, you can download GLFW3 and build it from source (it requires CMake).

cd glfw-3.2.1
sudo make install

Now with GLFW installed, you may build raylib while specifying USE_EXTERNAL_GLFW:

# or
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