Integrate apps with existing build scripts, for example
vectors are first-class citizens.
note: need revision for better accessibility
simd and parallelize.
using pointers an ctype
first steps and dancing
and many more !
accept types based on some requirements
perform an operation on multiple numbers
The current type it holds can change and be checked
For example, to iterate python arrays that might contains objects of various classes
Parameterize! (compile time meta-programming)
Testing for multiple SIMD
with blocks from struct (parametric/minimal/raise)
the @register_passable decorator
the_instance.method_not_defined() handled
unsafe references abilities until lifetimes
example: wrap python functions
mojo build program.mojo -D...
v0.4.0: powerfull magic
Easy to use
Pointer[Int] of squared numbers
when do del get called on instance
implement in struct: copy of instance, move, taking move
toy markdown generator as an example
one cycle by vectorizing simd instructions, plot with python
arguments: command-line, env, alias
syntax and concepts: not complicated
raise custom errors and recover (with example)
changelogs for new comers