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Classes usage

Transparent functional reactive programming with classes, decorators and babel jsx wrapper. play on codesandbox

class Ticker {
  @prop count = 0
  tick = () => ++this.count;

const ticker = new Ticker();
setInterval(ticker.tick, 200);

const App = () => (

It looks likes very clear and natively, and you can start development knows only two functions.

prop. Reactive value marker. Each reactive value has an immutable state. If the immutable state will update, all React components that depend on It will refresh.

shared. One of the primary reasons for using state manager in your application is a shared state accessing, and using shared logic between scattered React components and any place of your code.

import React from 'react';
import { prop, shared } from 'realar';

class Counter {
  @prop value = 0;

  inc = () => this.value += 1;
  dec = () => this.value -= 1;

const sharedCounter = () => shared(Counter);

const Count = () => {
  const { value } = sharedCounter();
  return <p>{value}</p>;

const Buttons = () => {
  const { inc, dec } = sharedCounter();
  return (
      <button onClick={inc}>+</button>
      <button onClick={dec}>-</button>

const App = () => (
    <Count />
    <Buttons />
    <Count />
    <Buttons />

export default App;

For best possibilities use babel jsx wrapper, your code will be so beautiful to look like.

But otherwise necessary to wrap all React function components that use reactive values inside to observe wrapper. Play on codesandbox.

React component access visibility level

The basic level of scopes for React developers is a component level scope (for example useState, and other standard React hooks has that level).

Every React component instance has its own local state, which is saved every render for the component as long as the component is mounted.

In the Realar ecosystem useLocal hook used to make components local stateful logic. play on codesandbox

class CounterLogic {
  @prop value = 0;
  inc = () => this.value += 1

const Counter = () => {
  const { value, inc } = useLocal(CounterLogic);

  return (
    <p>{value} <button onClick={inc}>+</button></p>

export const App = () => (
    <Counter />
    <Counter />

This feature can be useful for removing logic from the body of a component to keep that free of unnecessary code, and therefore cleaner.

If you making an instance of a class with a subscription in the constructor, though shared or useLocal Realar functions, It will be unsubscribed automatically.