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Releases: realm/realm-swift


28 Jun 20:20
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  • Realm compaction (triggered by setting shouldCompactOnLaunch) on an
    encrypted Realm file could produce an invalid file unless the encryption key
    happened to be a valid nul-terminated string.
    (Core #7842, since v10.52.0.
  • Assigning a List or Dictionary to an AnyRealmValue property which already
    stored that type of collection would only emit a clear instruction if the
    collection was not already empty. This meant that assigning to the property
    on two different clients would merge the collections if the property
    initially stored an empty collection, but would pick one of the two
    assignments to win if it was initially non-empty. If merging is the desired
    behavior, appending to the List rather than assigning a new List will still
    achieve that (Core #7809, since v10.51.0).


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.4.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 15.1.0-15.4.0.


  • Upgraded realm-core from v14.10.1 to 14.10.2


18 Jun 23:26
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  • Add @ObservedSectionedResults.remove(atOffsets:section:) which adds the ability to
    remove a Realm Object when using onDelete on ForEach in a SwiftUI List.
  • Add support for Xcode 16 beta 1 and fix some of the new warnings. Note that
    this does not yet include full support for Swift 6 language mode
  • Realm.asyncWrite() and Realm.asyncRefresh() now use the new #isolation
    feature to avoid sendability warnings when building with Xcode 16
  • Include the originating client reset error message in errors reporting that
    automatic client reset handling failed. (Core #7761)
  • Improve the performance of insertion-heavy write transactions, particularly
    when setting a large number of properties on each object created
    (Core #7734).
  • App now trims trailing slashes from the base url rather than producing
    confusing 404 errors. (Core #7791).


  • Deleting a Realm Object used in a @ObservedSectionedResults collection in SwiftUI
    would cause a crash during the diff on the View. (#8294, since v10.29.0)
  • Fix some client resets (such as migrating to flexible sync) potentially
    failing if a new client reset condition (such as rolling back a flexible sync
    migration) occurred before the first one completed.
    (Core #7542, since v10.40.0)
  • The encryption code no longer behaves differently depending on the system
    page size, which should entirely eliminate a recurring source of bugs related
    to copying encrypted Realm files between platforms with different page sizes.
    One known outstanding bug was (RNET-1141),
    where opening files on a system with a larger page size than the writing
    system would attempt to read sections of the file which had never been
    written to (Core #7698).
  • There were several complicated scenarios which could result in stale reads
    from encrypted files in multiprocess scenarios. These were very difficult to
    hit and would typically lead to a crash, either due to an assertion failure
    or DecryptionFailure being thrown (Core #7698, since v10.38.0).
  • Encrypted files have some benign data races where we can memcpy a block of
    memory while another thread is writing to a limited range of it. It is
    logically impossible to ever read from that range when this happens, but
    Thread Sanitizer quite reasonably complains about this. We now perform a
    slower operations when running with TSan which avoids this benign race
    (Core #7698).
  • Realm.asyncOpen() on a flexible sync Realm would sometimes fail to wait for
    pending subscriptions to complete, resulting in it not actually waiting for
    all data to be downloaded. (Core #7720,
    since flexible sync was introduced).
  • List<AnyRealmValue>.clear() would hit an assertion failure when used on a
    file originally created by a version of Realm older than v10.49.0.
    (Core #7771, since 10.49.0)


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.4.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 15.1.0-16 beta


  • Upgraded realm-core from v14.9.0 to 14.10.1


06 Jun 21:04
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  • Added support for storing nested collections (List and Map not ManagedSet) in a AnyRealmValue.

    class MixedObject: Object {
      @Persisted var anyValue: AnyRealmValue
    // You can build a AnyRealmValue from a Swift's Dictionary.
    let dictionary: Dictionary<String, AnyRealmValue> = ["key1": .string("hello"), "key2": .bool(false)]
    // You can build a AnyRealmValue from a Swift's Map
    // and nest a collection within another collection.
    let list: Array<AnyRealmValue> = [.int(12), .double(14.17), AnyRealmValue.fromDictionary(dictionary)]
    let realm = realmWithTestPath()
    try realm.write {
      let obj = MixedObject()
      obj.anyValue = AnyRealmValue.fromArray(list)
  • Added new operators to Swift's Query API for supporting querying nested collections.

    realm.objects(MixedObject.self).where { $0.anyValue[0][0][1] == .double(76.54) }

    The .any operator allows looking up in all keys or indexes.

    realm.objects(MixedObject.self).where { $0.anyValue["key"].any == .bool(false) }
  • Report the originating error that caused a client reset to occur.
    (Core #6154)


  • Accessing App.currentUser from within a notification produced by App.switchToUser()
    (which includes notifications for a newly logged in user) would deadlock.
    (Core #7670, since v10.50.0).
  • Inserting the same link to the same key in a dictionary more than once would incorrectly create
    multiple backlinks to the object. This did not appear to cause any crashes later, but would
    have affecting explicit backlink count queries and possibly notifications.
    (Core #7676, since v10.49.2).
  • A non-streaming progress notifier would not immediately call its callback after registration.
    Instead you would have to wait for a download message to be received to get your first
    update - if you were already caught up when you registered the notifier you could end up waiting a
    long time for the server to deliver a download that would call/expire your notifier
    (Core #7627, since v10.50.0).
  • After compacting, a file upgrade would be triggered. This could cause loss of data
    if deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded is set to true.
    (Core #7747, since v10.49.0).


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.4.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 15.1.0-15.4.0.


  • Upgraded realm-core from v14.6.2 to 14.9.0


22 May 00:56
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  • Update release packaging for Xcode 15.4.


  • @AutoOpen and @AsyncOpen failed to use the initialSubscriptions set in
    the configuration passed to them (PR #8572, since v10.50.0).
  • App.baseURL was always nil (PR #8573, since it was introduced in v10.50.0).


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.4.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 15.1.0-15.4.0.


02 May 23:27
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Drop support for Xcode 14, as it can no longer be used to submit app to the app
store. Xcode 15.1 is now the minimum supported version.

Known Issues

  • Accessing App.currentUser within an App.subscribe callback would lead to a deadlock.


  • Added SyncConfiguration.initialSubscriptions which describes the initial
    subscription configuration that was passed when constructing the
    SyncConfiguration. (#8548)
  • When connecting to multiple server apps, a unique encryption key is used for
    each of the metadata Realms rather than sharing one between them
    (Core #7552).
  • Improve perfomance of IN queries and chained OR equality queries for
    UUID/ObjectId types. (.Net #3566)
  • Added support for updating Atlas Device Sync's base url, in case the need to roam between
    servers (cloud and/or edge server). This API is private and can only be imported using
    @_spi(RealmSwiftExperimental) import RealmSwift
    try await app.updateBaseUrl(to: "")
  • Enable building RealmSwift as a dynamic framework when installing via SPM, which
    lets us supply a privacy manifest. When RealmSwift is built as a static
    library you must supply your own manifest, as Xcode does not build static
    libraries in a way compatible with xcprivacy embedding. Due to some bugs in
    Xcode, this may require manual changes to your project:
    • Targets must now depend on only Realm or RealmSwift. If you use both the
      obj-c and swift API, depending on RealmSwift will let you import Realm.
      Trying to directly depend on both will give the error "Swift package
      target 'Realm' is linked as a static library by 'App' and 'Realm', but
      cannot be built dynamically because there is a package product with the
      same name."
    • To actually build RealmSwift as a dynamic framework, change "Do Not Embed"
      to "Embed & Sign" in the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content"
      section on the General tab of your target's settings.
  • The transferredBytes and transferrableBytes fields on Progress have been deprecated
    in favor of progressEstimate which is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the estimated
    progress toward the upload/download transfer. (#8476)


  • -[RLMUser allSessions] did not include sessions which were currently
    waiting for an access token despite including sessions in other non-active
    states. (Core #7300, since v10.0.0).
  • [RLMApp allUsers] included users which were logged out during the current
    run of the app, but not users which had previously been logged out. It now
    always includes all logged out users. (Core #7300, since v10.0.0).
  • Deleting the active user (via User.delete()) left the active user
    unset rather than selecting another logged-in user as the active user like
    logging out and removing users does. (Core #7300, since v10.23.0).
  • Fixed several issues around copying an encrypted Realm between platforms with
    different page sizes (such as between x86_64 and arm64 Apple platforms):
    • Fixed Assertion failed: new_size % (1ULL << m_page_shift) == 0 when
      opening an encrypted Realm less than 64Mb that was generated on a platform
      with a different page size than the current platform.
      (Core #7322, since v10.42.0)
    • Fixed a DecryptionFailed exception thrown when opening a small (<4k of
      data) Realm generated on a device with a page size of 4k if it was bundled
      and opened on a device with a larger page size (since the beginning).
    • Fixed an issue during a subsequent open of an encrypted Realm for some rare
      allocation patterns when the top ref was within ~50 bytes of the end of a
      page. This could manifest as a DecryptionFailed exception or as an
      assertion: encrypted_file_mapping.hpp:183: Assertion failed: local_ndx < m_page_state.size(). (Core #7319)
  • Schema initialization could hit an assertion failure if the sync client
    applied a downloaded changeset while the Realm file was in the process of
    being opened (#7041, since v10.15.0).
  • The reported download progress for flexible sync Realms was incorrect. It is now replaced by a
    progress estimate, which is derived by the server based on historical data and other heuristics.


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.3.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 15.1.0-15.3.0.


  • Upgraded realm-core from v14.5.2 to 14.6.2


01 May 01:49
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  • Enable building RealmSwift as a dynamic framework when installing via SPM, which
    lets us supply a privacy manifest. When RealmSwift is built as a static
    library you must supply your own manifest, as Xcode does not build static
    libraries in a way compatible with xcprivacy embedding. Due to some bugs in
    Xcode, this may require manual changes to your project:
    • Targets must now depend on only Realm or RealmSwift. If you use both the
      obj-c and swift API, depending on RealmSwift will let you import Realm.
      Trying to directly depend on both will give the error "Swift package
      target 'Realm' is linked as a static library by 'App' and 'Realm', but
      cannot be built dynamically because there is a package product with the
      same name."
    • To actually build RealmSwift as a dynamic framework, change "Do Not Embed"
      to "Embed & Sign" in the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content"
      section on the General tab of your target's settings.


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.1 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.3.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 14.2-15.3.0.


17 Apr 19:44
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  • Fixed a crash that would occur when an http error 401 or 403 is returned upon
    opening a watch stream for a MongoDB collection. (#8519)
  • Fix an assertion failure "m_lock_info && m_lock_info->m_file.get_path() == m_filename" that appears to be related to opening a Realm while the file is in the process of being closed on another thread. (#8507)
  • Fixed diverging history due to a bug in the replication code when setting default null values (embedded objects included). (Core #7536)
  • Null pointer exception may be triggered when logging out and async commits callbacks not executed. (Core #7434)
  • AppConfiguration.baseUrl will now return the default value of the url when not set rather than nil. (#8512)
  • Added privacy manifest to Core's Swift package (Swift #8535)
  • Fixed crash when integrating removal of already removed dictionary key (Core #7488, since v10.0.0)


  • Realm Studio: 15.0.0 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.3.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 14.2-15.3.0.


  • Upgraded realm-core from 14.4.1 to 14.5.2


23 Mar 03:20
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  • Improve file compaction performance on arm64 platforms for encrypted files
    between 16kB and 4MB in size. (PR #7492).


  • Opening a Realm with a cached user while offline would fail to retry some
    steps of the connection process and instead report a fatal error.
    (#7349, since v10.46.0)


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.1 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.3.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 14.2-15.3.0.


  • Upgraded realm-core from v14.3.0 to 14.4.1


22 Mar 17:56
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This version introduces a new Realm file format version (v24). Opening existing
Realm files will automatically upgrade the files, making them unable to be
opened by older versions. This upgrade process should typically be very fast
unless you have large Sets of AnyRealmValue, String, or Data, which have to be rewritten.

A backup will automatically be created next to the Realm before performing the
upgrade. Downgrading to older versions of Realm will attempt to automatically
restore the backup, or it will be deleted after three months.


  • Storage of Decimal128 properties has been optimised similarly to Int
    properties so that the individual values will take up 0 bits (if all nulls),
    32 bits, 64 bits or 128 bits depending on what is needed.
    (Core #6111)
  • Improve file compaction performance on arm64 platforms for encrypted files
    between 16kB and 4MB in size. (PR #7492).


  • Sorting on binary Data was done by comparing bytes as signed char rather than
    unsigned char, resulting in very strange orders (since sorting on Data was
    enabled in v6.0.4)
  • Sorting on AnyRealmValue did not use a valid total ordering, and certain
    combinations of values could result in values not being sorted or potentially
    even crashes. The resolution for this will result in some previously-valid
    combinations of values of different types being sorted in different orders
    than previously (since the introduction of AnyRealmValue in 10.8.0).
  • RLMSet/MutableSet was inconsistent about if it considered a String and a Data
    containing the utf-8 encoded bytes of that String to be equivalent. They are
    now always considered distinct. (since the introduction of sets in v10.8.0).
  • Equality queries on a Mixed property with an index could sometimes return
    incorrect results if values of different types happened to have the same hash
    code. (Core 6407 since v10.8.0).
  • Creating more than 8388606 links pointing to a single object would crash.
    (Core #6577, since v5.0.0)
  • A Realm generated on a non-apple ARM 64 device and copied to another platform
    (and vice-versa) were non-portable due to a sorting order difference. This
    impacts strings or binaries that have their first difference at a non-ascii
    character. These items may not be found in a set, or in an indexed column if
    the strings had a long common prefix (> 200 characters).
    (Core #6670, since 2.0.0 for indexes, and since since the introduction of sets in v10.8.0)
  • Fix a spurious crash related to opening a Realm on background thread while
    the process was in the middle of exiting (Core #7420).
  • Opening a Realm with a cached user while offline would fail to retry some
    steps of the connection process and instead report a fatal error.
    (#7349, since v10.46.0)

Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for opening pre-v5.0.0 Realm files.


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.1 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.3.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 14.2-15.3.0. Note that we will be dropping support for Xcode 14 when
    Apple begins requiring Xcode 15 for app store submissions on April 29.


  • Upgraded realm-core from 13.26.0 to 14.3.0


15 Mar 20:14
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  • The Realm.framework privacy manifest was missing
    NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace, but we check free disk space before
    attempting to automatically back up Realm files (since 10.46.0).


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.1 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 15.3.0.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 14.2-15.3.0.