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316 lines (230 loc) · 7.24 KB

File metadata and controls

316 lines (230 loc) · 7.24 KB frontend codestyle tools shared configs

npm code style: prettier Commitizen friendly


npm i -D @realtby/codestyle


make release # to push new version & generate changelog
make prerelease # only push new version to npm, for testing

How to test publish

In order to locally test the current package with the project infrastructure, you can use npm proxy register Verdaccio

Locally, the easiest way to run it through Docker is to run the following command:

$ docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio

To check that everything is working, go to the web ui url in browser: http://localhost:4873

In order to publish and pull the package from the Proxy repository, you need to add the following code to .npmrc


Now you can safely pull and publish to the local npm register!

Create configuration file .editorconfig at the root of the project. Insert the following content:

root = true

charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_size = 2
indent_style = space
insert_final_newline = true
max_line_length = 100
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

indent_style = tab


If you use Visual Studio Code, install EditorConfig plugin.


  1. Create configuration file .prettierrc.js at the root of the project. Insert the following content:
const config = require('@realtby/codestyle/prettier');
module.exports = config;
  1. Also create file .prettierignore, add some ignore patterns:
# ide

# npm

# misc

# changelog


  1. Add following lines to yout package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "format": "prettier --write ."
  1. And then use as npm run format


JetBrains IDE

Install extension (It is already bundled to WebStorm). You can read more information in Prettier site.

Visual Studio Code

Install extension. Detailed documentation can be found at the extension page.

  1. Create configuration file .eslintrc.js at the root of the project. Insert the following content:
module.exports = {
  root: true,
  extends: [
    // choose and enable needed configs
    './node_modules/@realtby/codestyle/eslint/prettier', // prettier first!
    // './node_modules/@realtby/codestyle/eslint/react',
    // './node_modules/@realtby/codestyle/eslint/node',
    // './node_modules/@realtby/codestyle/eslint/graphql',
  overrides: [
      files: ['*.gql'],
      parserOptions: {
        // add schema & operations paths
        // for client
        schema: 'http://api.realt.loc:8000/graphql',
        operations: ['./src/**/*.graphql'],
        // for server
        schema: './src/**/*.gql',
  1. Add following lines to your package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx,.json --fix --cache --max-warnings=0"
  1. Also create file .eslintignore, add some ignore patterns:
# ide

# npm
  1. Add .eslintcache to .gitignore



npm i -g commitizen git-cz
  1. add .cz.json:
  "path": "git-cz"
  1. add changelog.config.js and insert following:
const getChangelogConfig = require('@realtby/codestyle/changelog.config');

module.exports = getChangelogConfig({
  scopes: [
    /* additional scopes */
  types: {
    /* additional types */
    temp: ['🚧', 'temporary changes'],
  1. add commitlint.config.js and insert following:
const getCommitlintConfig = require('@realtby/codestyle/commitlint.config');

const czConfig = require('./changelog.config');

module.exports = getCommitlintConfig(czConfig);
  1. add .release-it.js:
module.exports = require('@realtby/codestyle/release-it');
  1. add .auto-changelog:
  "output": "",
  "template": "./node_modules/@realtby/codestyle/changelog-template.hbs",
  "unreleased": false,
  "commitLimit": false,
  "sort-commits": "date",
  "issueUrl": "{id}",
  "issuePattern": "REALT-\\d+",
  ".": "",
  "replaceText": {
    "(^[^\n]+)(?:\n)?(?:[^!]+)?(!\\d+)?": "$1 $2"
  1. Add following lines to your package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "commit": "git-cz",
    "changelog": "auto-changelog -p && git add",
    "release": "release-it"
  1. npm i -D auto-changelog + add patch from codestyle/patches

  2. add badges to

[![code style: prettier](](
[![Commitizen friendly](](

  1. add lint-staged.config.js and insert following:
module.exports = {
  '*.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)': ['prettier --write', 'eslint --fix'],
  1. add .husky folder to .gitignore

  2. run husky install in your project root

You can extend current husky hooks, by adding scripts in you package.json:

  • "husky:commit-msg": "commitlint --edit $HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"
  • "husky:pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  • "husky:pre-push": "npm run type-check"
  • "husky:prepare-commit-msg": "exec < /dev/tty && git cz --hook || true"

Note: If node_modules are installed and you decide to delete the .husky folder then you need to delete all node_modules and install them again.