Read along to learn how to set up a Redis Stack instance and start the server.
First, create your OpenAI token.
Then, decide where you want to run your Redis Stack instance.
- Create a free 30MB Redis Cloud subscription
- Install Redis Stack on your laptop
- Run a Redis Stack Docker container.
To run Minipilot on your laptop, just clone the repository.
git clone
Install the requirements in a Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv minipilot
source minipilot/bin/activate
cd minipilot
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then set the environment variables in a .env
file. Note that the functions used through the UI leverage the embedded REST API Server, then configure the variable MINIPILOT_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:5005". Specify the desired port.
You can also use the export
export DB_SERVICE="" DB_PORT=6379 DB_PWD="" MINIPILOT_DEBUG="True" MINIPILOT_MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" MINIPILOT_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:5005" OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-key"
Start the server.
The first time, it may take up to two minutes: heavy embedding models will be downloaded.
Once you have your OpenAI token and a Redis Stack database available, you can create your Docker image using the provided Dockerfile
docker build --no-cache -t minipilot:0.1 .
Once the image has been added to your local repository, start the container.
docker run -d --cap-add sys_resource --env DB_SERVICE="host.docker.internal" --env DB_PORT=6379 --env DB_PWD="your-redis-password" --env DB_SSL="True" --env OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-key" --env MINIPILOT_ENDPOINT="" --name minipilot -p 5007:8000 ortolano/minipilot:0.1
Explanation of the environment follows.
DB_SERVICE The IP address of your Redis Stack instance or the hostname of a Redis Cloud database. If Redis Stack runs on your host, you can connect to the Docker host from the Docker container using "host.docker.internal"
DB_PORT The port of your Redis Stack instance or Redis Cloud database
DB_PWD The password of your Redis Stack instance or Redis Cloud database
DB_SSL If you would like to connect using SSL (mandatory for Redis Cloud databases)
OPENAI_API_KEY Your OpenAI token
MINIPILOT_ENDPOINT Minipilot is a REST API service, but the internal chat interface uses the REST API, too, on the default exposed port 8000. You can just leave
- point your browser to
- From the
tab, load a CSV dataset, and index it. You can try the IMDB movies dataset - From the
tab, edit the system and user prompts and save them - Start asking!