Release v|release|. (:ref:`Changelog <changelog>`)
An opinionated terminal colorscheme for IPython using gruvbox colors.
The ipython-style-gruvbox
package is not currently published to PyPI
because of its highly opinionated, personal nature. If, however, you still
wish to install this package, the following steps should work to install the
latest release.
# Find the latest release.
latest=$(git ls-remote --tags --refs $repo | # Fetch remote tags.
sort -t '/' -k 3 -V | # Sort them by version.
tail -n 1 | # Take the latest one.
awk -F / '{print $3}') # Return only the tag.
# Craft the URL for the release asset.
version=$(echo $latest | tr -d 'v') # Remove the leading v.
# Install the release.
pip install $release
The style installs itself as a Pygments plugin, so after
installation you should only need to launch IPython with the gruvbox
ipython --TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style=gruvbox
or add it to your IPython config.
config = get_config()
config.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style = "gruvbox"
This will only affect your syntax highlighting. If you're looking to create a prompt that looks exactly like the one in the image above this example prompt might help.
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 Code of Conduct <code-of-conduct> changelog contributing