Below are the directory details :
- patch/c : patch to be applied to the C sources of the firmware.
- patch/python : patch to be applied to embed the python scripts in the firmware.
- firmware : contains all the firmware sources when using the command. The generated firmwares are stored in this directory.
- doc : documentation extracted from python scripts
- tools/camflasher : tool to flash easily the firmware or use embedded shell
- images : images used into the documentation
- modules/www : html page used to create the source file of the html templates.
- modules/simul : python scripts to simulate on linux or osx, it allows debugging on vscode.
- modules/lib/shell : shell and editor python sources
- modules/lib/htmltemplate : html templates python sources
- modules/lib/webpage : web pages python sources
- modules/lib/video : camera python sources
- modules/lib/motion : motion detection python sources
- modules/lib/tools : tools used for all python sources
- modules/lib/server : Ftp, Http, Pushover, Telnet, Ntp synchronization, user and session python sources
- modules/lib/electricmeter : used to monitor the consumption of an electric meter (not present in the firmware)
- modules/lib/wifi : Wifi and accesspoint python sources
- modules/config : Configuration saved in this directory
On a standard micropython firmware, copy all the files of the modules directory with its tree structure, into the flash memory of the board.