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d08a15a · Sep 22, 2013


219 lines (129 loc) · 6.71 KB

File metadata and controls

219 lines (129 loc) · 6.71 KB

AST nodes description

Every node has the following keys:

  • :op
  • :env contains :context, one of #{:statement :expr :return}
  • :form

If the node contains other nodes, then the node will contain:

  • :children a vector of all the keys that map to a node, in order.

Additionally, every node has some specific attributes:


The macroexpander of cinc.analyzer is platform agnostic so it doesn't try to transform foo/bar in (. foo bar) if foo is a class, as such, it produces a :maybe-host-form if foo is not a namespace


This node wraps: :const, :vector, :map, :set if the form contains metadata

  • :meta the analyzed expression of the metadata, context is set to :expr
  • :expr the target analyzed expression, context is set to :expr


If the const comes from a quoted expression, the metadata is also quoted

  • :type the result of (cinc.analyzer.utils/classify form), annotates the type of the constant (eg :vector if the constant is a vector)
  • :literal? always set to true


  • :expr the quoted expression, a :const node


  • :items a vector of analyzed expressions of the items of the vector, items context is set to :expr


  • :keys a vector of analyzed expressions of the keys of the map, keys context is set to :expr
  • :vals a vector of analyzed expressions of the vals of the map, vals context is set to :expr


  • :items a set of analyzed expressions of the items of the set, items context is set to :expr


  • :name the name of the var, a symbol
  • :ns the namespace of the var, a symbol
  • :asssignable? true if the var is dynamic
  • :var the var object


  • :name the name of the local symbol
  • :local the local type: one of #{:catch :let :letfn :loop :fn :arg :this :field}

If :local is one of #{:let :letfn :loop}

  • :init the analyzed expression of the local init

If :local is :field

  • :mutable set to either :unsynchronized-mutable, :volatile-mutable or false depending on the mutablity of the field

If :op is :local

  • :assignable? true if the local is a mutable deftype field


  • :maybe-class the class symbol of the (maybe) static field expression
  • :maybe-field the field symbol of the (maybe) static field expression


  • :maybe-class the symbol of the (maybe) class


  • :statements a vector of analyzed expression of the statements in the do expression, statements context is set to :statement
  • :ret the analyzed expression of the last form in the do expression


  • :test the analyzed expression of the test part of the if, context is set to :expr
  • :then the analyzed expression of the then part of the if
  • :else the analyzed expression of the else part of the if


  • :maybe-class the symbol of the target of new
  • :args a vector of analyzed expressions of the arguments to new, args context is set to :expr


Node of the (var the-var) special form

  • :var the var object


Can only happen when :target is :assignable?

  • :target the analyzed expression of the set! target, context is set to :expr
  • :val the analyzed expression of the set! value, context is set to :expr


  • :body a :do node wrapping the body of the try expression, :in-try is set to true in :env
  • :catches a vector of the :catch nodes of the try expression
  • :finally a :do node wrapping the body of the finally expression, context is set to :statement


  • :maybe-class the exception type symbol
  • :local the analyzed expression of the exception symbol
  • :body a :do node wrapping the body of the catch expression


  • :exception the analyzed expression of the exception to be thrown, context is set to :expr


  • :bindings a vector of analyzed expression of the bindings
  • :body a :do node of the analyzed expression of the body

If :op is :loop

  • :body context is set to :return, :loop-locals is set to the :bindings vector in :env


Can only happen when :context is set to :return and :in-try is not true

  • :exprs an vector of analyzed expressions of new loop bindings, context is set to :expr


  • :name the name of the fn, if present
  • :variadic? true if one of the fn-methods if variadic
  • :max-fixed-arity the largest arity of non-variadic fn-methods
  • :methods a vector of the :fn-method nodes of the function


  • :variadic? true if the method has a variadic arity
  • :fixed-arity the number of fixed arguments of the methods
  • :params a vector of the analyzed expressions of the parameters
  • :body a :do node wrapping the body of the fn method


  • :name the symbol of the var to be defined
  • :var the var object to be defined

If present

  • :meta the analyzed expression of the var's metadata


  • :target-expr the analyzed expr of the target of the host call
  • :method the symbol of the method to be called
  • :args a vector of the analyzed expressions of the args of the call, context is set to :expr


  • :target-expr the analyzed expr of the target of the host call
  • :field the symbol of the field


  • :target-expr the analyzed expr of the target of the host call
  • :m-or-f the symbol of the field or no-arg method


  • :fn the analyzed expression of the function to invoke
  • :args a vector of the analyzed expressions of the args of the call, context is set to :expr
  • :meta the analyzed expression of the invoke form metadata if present, context is set to :expr


The cinc.analyze.jvm macroexpander transforms foo/bar in a dot expression if foo is a class, as such, if a :maybe-host-form occurs it means that foo is neither a namespace or a class, and thus an error is thrown by the validate pass


  • :target-expr the analyzed expr of the monitor object, context is set to expr


  • maybe-class the symbol of the (maybe) class to import


  • :methods a vector of the :method nodes of the reify expression
  • :interfaces a set of the implemented interfaces by the reify expression, plus clojure.lang.IObj


  • :name the name of the deftype, a symbol
  • :class-name the class name of the deftype, a symbol
  • :fields a vectopr of the analyzed fields of the deftype as bindings
  • :methods a vector of the :method nodes of the deftype
  • :interfaces a set of the implemented interfaces by the deftype


As :fn-method but:

  • :this the analyzed expression of the this parameter

The this parameter is not part of the method parameters