This will desceribe all the phases involved in interpreting a simple clojure expression, (let [a 1] (println a))
We need to transform the expression from a string to a clojure data-structure, we'll use read-string
user=> (read-string "(let [a 1] (println a))")
(let [a 1] (println a))
After the form is read, it's passed to the eval
function to be executed; this is where the magic begins.
Let's look at the cinc.compiler.jvm.bytecode/eval
(defn eval
([form] (eval form false))
([form debug?]
(let [r (e/emit (a/analyze `(^:once fn* [] ~form) {:context :expr})
{:debug? debug?
:class-loader (clojure.lang.RT/makeClassLoader)})
{:keys [class]} (meta r)]
((.newInstance ^Class class)))))
Let's see what happens to form
(our expr)
Since most jvm passes annotate their results in a :fn
node, we need to wrap the top-level form in a fn.
user=>(let [expr '(let [a 1] (println a))] `(^:once fn* [] ~expr))
(fn* [] (let [a 1] (println a)))
The resulting expression is then analyzed to transform it in an AST.
Since cinc.analyzer.jvm/analyze
involves multiple pass over the ast, we'll see how every pass modifies the expression.
The analyze
(defn analyze
[form env]
(binding [ana/macroexpand-1 macroexpand-1]
(-> (-analyze form env)
(walk (fn [ast]
(-> ast
(fn analyze
((comp (validate-loop-locals analyze)
(cycling infer-tag analyze-host-expr validate)
constant-lift) ast)))
(prewalk (comp (collect :constants
First, we run the analyzer over the form, the default env is {:context :expr}
The basic AST that results from the -analyze
pass is (a bit cleaned-up):
{:children [:methods],
:op :fn,
:env {:context :expr},
:form (fn* [] (let [a 1] (println a))),
:name nil,
:variadic? false,
:max-fixed-arity 0,
[{:op :fn-method,
:form ([] (let [a 1] (println a))),
:env {:once true, :context :expr},
:variadic? false,
:params [],
:fixed-arity 0,
{:op :do,
:env {:once true, :context :return, :loop-locals 0},
:form (do (let [a 1] (println a))),
:statements [],
{:op :let,
:form (let* [a 1] (println a)),
:env {:once true, :context :return, :loop-locals 0},
{:op :do,
:env {:once true, :context :return, :loop-locals 0},
:form (do (println a)),
:statements [],
{:children [:args :fn],
:meta {:line 1, :column 203},
:op :invoke,
:form (println a),
:env {:once true, :context :return, :loop-locals 0},
{:form println,
:env {:once true, :context :expr, :loop-locals 0},
:op :var,
:name println,
:ns clojure.core,
:assignable? false,
:var #'clojure.core/println},
[{:assignable? false,
:op :local,
:env {:once true, :context :expr, :loop-locals 0},
:name a,
{:op :const,
:env {:once true, :context :expr, :loop-locals 0},
:type :number,
:literal? true,
:form 1},
:form a,
:local :let,
:children [:init]}]},
:children [:statements :ret]},
[{:op :binding,
:env {:once true, :context :expr, :loop-locals 0},
:name a,
{:op :const,
:env {:once true, :context :expr, :loop-locals 0},
:type :number,
:literal? true,
:form 1},
:form a,
:local :let,
:children [:init]}],
:children [:bindings :body]},
:children [:statements :ret]},
:children [:params :body]}]}
For a description of what all the passes do on the AST see: passes.
After all the passes have run, the AST now looks like
{:arglists [[]],
:children [:methods],
:form (fn* [] (let [a 1] (println a))),
:protocol-callsites #{},
:op :fn,
:name nil,
:keyword-callsites #{},
:max-fixed-arity 0,
[{:children [:params :body],
:fixed-arity 0,
:form ([] (let [a 1] (println a))),
:op :fn-method,
:variadic? false,
:env {:once true, :context :expr},
:params [],
:path? true,
:arglist [],
{:box true,
:op :do,
:env {:once true, :context :return},
:form (do (let [a 1] (println a))),
:statements [],
{:box true,
:op :let,
:form (let* [a 1] (println a)),
{:line 1,
:column 26,
:once true,
:context :return},
{:box true,
:op :do,
:env {:once true, :context :return},
:form (do (println a)),
:statements [],
{:box true,
:children [:args :fn],
:meta {:line 1, :column 37},
:op :invoke,
:form (println a),
{:line 1,
:column 37,
:once true,
:context :return},
{:assignable? false,
:form println,
:ns clojure.core,
:op :var,
:name println,
:env {:once true, :context :expr},
:id 0,
:var #'clojure.core/println,
:tag clojure.lang.Var},
[{:children [],
:assignable? false,
:form a,
:op :local,
:name a__#0,
:local :let,
:env {:once true, :context :expr},
:tag java.lang.Long,
:to-clear? true}]},
:children [:statements :ret]},
[{:tag java.lang.Long,
:op :binding,
:env {:once true, :context :expr},
:name a__#0,
{:id {:id 1, :tag java.lang.Long, :val 1, :type :number},
:tag java.lang.Long,
:op :const,
:env {:once true, :context :expr},
:type :number,
:literal? true,
:form 1},
:form a,
:local :let,
:children [:init]}],
:children [:bindings :body]},
:children [:statements :ret]}}],
:variadic? false,
:env {:line 1, :column 11, :context :expr},
{1 {:id 1, :tag java.lang.Long, :val 1, :type :number},
{:id 0,
:tag clojure.lang.Var,
:val #'clojure.core/println,
:type :var}},
:tag clojure.lang.AFunction,
:closed-overs {}}
We can see that the AST has been annotated with tag info and that every Var/constant has now an id.
The :fn
node now contains a map :constants
of constant => constant-node
:constants {1 {:id 1, :tag java.lang.Long, :val 1, :type :number},
#'clojure.core/println {:id 0, :tag clojure.lang.Var, :val #'clojure.core/println, :type :var}}
A new dynamic-classloader is then created, and passed to the emit
function along with the AST
(e/emit (a/analyze '(fn* [] (let [a 1] (println a))) {:context :expr})
{:class-loader (clojure.lang.RT/makeClassLoader)})
The emit
function will then walk every node calling :emit
on it, resulting in the following AST:
{:super clojure/lang/AFunction,
:op :class,
:name cinc/compiler/jvm/bytecode$fn__12845,
:interfaces nil,
[{:op :method,
:attr #{:static :public},
:method [[:<clinit>] :void],
[:push 1]
[:invoke-static [:java.lang.Long/valueOf :long] :java.lang.Long]
[:check-cast java.lang.Long]
[:put-static cinc.compiler.jvm.bytecode$fn__12845 const__1 java.lang.Long]
[:push clojure.core]
[:push println]
[:invoke-static [:clojure.lang.RT/var :java.lang.String :java.lang.String] :clojure.lang.Var]
[:check-cast clojure.lang.Var]
[:put-static cinc.compiler.jvm.bytecode$fn__12845 const__0 clojure.lang.Var]
{:op :method,
:attr #{:public},
:method [[:<init>] :void],
[:label :label__12846]
[:invoke-constructor [:clojure.lang.AFunction/<init>] :void]
[:label :label__12847]
{:op :method,
:attr #{:public},
:method [[:invoke] :java.lang.Object],
[:local-variable :this :clojure.lang.AFunction nil :label__12848 :label__12849 :this]
[:mark :label__12848]
[:get-static cinc.compiler.jvm.bytecode$fn__12845 const__1 java.lang.Long]
[:var-insn :java.lang.Long/ISTORE a__#0]
[:mark :label__12852]
[:mark :label__12851]
[:get-static cinc.compiler.jvm.bytecode$fn__12845 const__0 clojure.lang.Var]
[:invoke-virtual [:clojure.lang.Var/getRawRoot] :java.lang.Object]
[:check-cast :clojure.lang.IFn]
[:var-insn :java.lang.Long/ILOAD a__#0]
[:insn :ACONST_NULL]
[:var-insn :java.lang.Long/ISTORE a__#0]
[:invoke-interface [:clojure.lang.IFn/invoke :java.lang.Object] :java.lang.Object]
[:mark :label__12850]
[:local-variable a__#0 java.lang.Long nil :label__12852 :label__12850 a__#0]
[:mark :label__12849]
[{:op :field,
:attr #{:static :public :final},
:name const__1,
:tag java.lang.Long}
{:op :field,
:attr #{:static :public :final},
:name const__0,
:tag clojure.lang.Var}],
:attr #{:super :public :final},
:annotations nil}
This AST will then be -compile
d inside -emit :fn
, and the resulting compiled bytecode will be instantiated in a new class in the dynamic-class-loader
(.defineClass ^clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader class-loader class-name bc nil)
The eval
function will then create a new instance of this class (that is the wrapping fn) and invoke it to evaluate the form.
((.newInstance class))