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django interview

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Django Interview Questions


  1. What is Django framework ?

  2. Why most of them suggesting Django is good for web developement?(explain the main features)

  3. What is MVC/MVT architecture ?

  4. What arechitecture is following Django ? (explain with MVT)

  5. What are the features available in Django web framework ?

  6. Please explain the entire arechitecture of django based project?[start2end]

  7. What is URL ?

  8. Why django is scalable ?

  9. How can you set up the database in Django?

  10. What is ORM ? How SQL is differ from this same ?

  11. What is Middleware ? what is Important ? How to write Custom middlewares in Django?

  12. Tell about Builtin Middlewares ? (Session,Auth,Csrf Import)

  13. What is role of ALLOWED_HOSTs in Django ?

  14. What is CSRF ? How it's Important in django based application?

  15. What is Decorator ? How to Write Custom Decorator ? what are the builtin Decorators in Django?

  16. How the Templeting system is working in django ?

  17. How can you set up static files in Django ?

  18. what are the signals? what are the important parameter ?how to use?

  19. How to query as GROUP BY in django?

  20. How Django complex query will be return (Django Aggregation)?

  21. How to fetch limited data from Django models like SQL Limit ?

  22. What's the difference between select_related and prefetch_related?

  23. Please study abouts Querysets and parameters []

  24. What is Template Tags ? How to write custom template tags ? what are the built in template tags?

  25. How to inherit the A template in B template ?( template inheritance )

  26. Tell about few packages which you used in your Django career?

  27. Difference between Function Based views and Class based views ? which one you preffer? why?

  28. Difference between Form and Model Form ? Can we add custom styles in forms fields ?

  29. User authentication Django ? where you can find the bultin User(importing) ?

  30. What is Model, views ?

  31. What is __init __ method?

  32. What is Message ? How its working ? why we call django is message framework ?

  33. What does of Django field class types do?

  34. Have you used Django a content management system (CMS) ?

  35. How to Handle Load Management in Django ?

  36. Is Django supporting Session? How do we set a varible in session ? How its working ?

  37. How to improve the performance of the django application ?

  38. What is Memcache ? what is redis server ?

  39. Why logging is important in django application ? in which area it will important ?

  40. What is Scheduling ? which packages you are using for this same ?

  41. What is caching ?

  42. In which django version you are using for developement ?

  43. Have you heard about the South? what it will do ?

  44. How do we wrtite the test cases ?

  45. How do we can write the RESTfull API's?

  46. REST API package ?( django-tastypy and DRF ) , please study the diff,adv,disdv ?

  47. When we submit a form with out CSRF token the server will throw 403 error message, but when we are posting request from (drf or tastypy) it got accepted with out any error, Why? How?

  48. What is Unicode ?

  49. Internationalization and localization ?

  50. Which all are the Common Web application tools provided by django ?

  51. What is Model Manager ? how its important ?

  52. How do we add extra model field in django models?

  53. What is meta class method ?

  54. Some times while running your project you will get error like " the port is already in use " how will you resolve the issue ? [Port Killing]

  55. List out the inheritance styles in Django ?

  56. What is diff between Nosql and Sql databases ? please answer with example( hint: mysql and mongo db)

  57. Which ORM is using for the mongodb database integration in Django? How ? advantage ?

  58. Where we are using RDBMS and Nosql databases ?

  59. Differance between Oauth and Oauth2 ?

  60. Study about the how the authentication working in django?

  61. How do we write cutom authentication backend with Django ?

  62. What is token authentication ?

  63. What is authentication and authorization ?

  64. How to handle the high traffic in django based application ?

  65. What are bultin management commands? How do we write custom management commands?

  66. How you debug the application? [pdb im using]

  67. Have you tried django-channels, sockets ?

  68. How to implement the social media authentication in django based application ?

  69. What is Hashing ? difference between hashing and encryption ?

  70. What is diff List,Dictionary and Tuple ?(Please asure your answer (list[],dict{}-mut,tuple-()-imut))

  71. Built in data types in Python ? give some example ?

  72. what all the Advanced features added or removed from the latest version of python?

  73. Memory management in Python ?

  74. Is it Python Call by reference or Call by value ?

  75. Do you know the difference between range and xrange?

  76. What is generators ?

  77. How good are you in deployment ? Are you comfortable with Linux server?

  78. Have you heard about AWS , GAE for deployment ?

  79. How to deploy a django project ?

  80. Which web server you used for project deployment ? (Nginx or Apche) ? ( note: please look on uwsgi and gunicorn )

  81. How good are you in GAE hosting ? How to host a django project in GAE ?

  82. How good are you in Git commands ( please sure about the merge commands,how to resolve whilte conflit happen )

  83. Study about the git commands (reset, rebase, revert)?

  84. How good are you in website design ( please study basic stuffs about bootstrap,Html5,Css,Jquery)

  85. whats use of the ?

  86. whats pycache ? what is .pyc files will do?