diff --git a/900.version-fixes/python.yaml b/900.version-fixes/python.yaml index 22eec143e..cd2f3bc82 100644 --- a/900.version-fixes/python.yaml +++ b/900.version-fixes/python.yaml @@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ - { name: "python:pandoc-attributes", verpat: "[0-9a-f]{8}", incorrect: true } - { name: "python:paramiko", verge: "2.8.4", ruleset: rosa, incorrect: true } # paramiko-ng - { name: "python:paramiko", ruleset: rosa, untrusted: true } # accused of fake 2.8.4 +- { name: "python:pathlib2", ver: "", incorrect: true } # 2.3.7.post1 +- { name: "python:pathlib2", ruleset: pkgsrc, untrusted: true } # accused of fake - { name: "python:pcl", verpat: ".*20[0-9]{6}", snapshot: true } - { name: "python:pivy", verpat: "20[0-9]{6}", incorrect: true } - { name: "python:pivy", verpat: "20[0-9]{6}", verlt: "20210319", sink: true } # 0.6.6 from 20210319