option to the config to attach run results to an existing launch. Related to parallel execution on one and several machines.
version 11 support. Addressed 169.
- Breaking change Drop support of Node.js 12. The version 5.4.0 is the latest that supports it.
- The agent now supports reporting the time for launches, test items and logs with microsecond precision in the ISO string format. For logs, microsecond precision is available on the UI from ReportPortal version 24.2.
bumped to version5.3.0
- New API methods for scenarios.
- Scenario retries are inconsistently tagged. Addressed #142.
bumped to version5.1.4
, newlaunchUuidPrintOutput
types introduced: 'FILE', 'ENVIRONMENT'.
- Updated versions of vulnerable packages (braces).
- Node.js 12 usage. This minor version is the latest that supports Node.js 12.
- Updated versions of vulnerable packages (@reportportal/client-javascript, @cucumber/cucumber).
version 10 support. Addressed 155.
- Breaking change Drop support of cucumber <7. Addressed 153.
- Breaking change Drop support of Node.js 10. The version 5.2.3 is the latest that supports it.
bumped to version5.1.0
- Node.js 10 usage. This version is the latest that supports Node.js 10.
bumped to version5.0.15
- Updated versions of vulnerable packages (@babel/traverse, follow-redirects).
version 9 support. Addressed 147.
configuration option was renamed toapiKey
to maintain common convention.@reportportal/client-javascript
bumped to version5.0.12
- Provide BDD entities titles to their names
- Screenshot attaching on failure
- Parallel reporting support
- Finish feature/scenario only when its children have already been finished
- #130 DEBUG mode in the config file does not report to Debug
- #118 Scenarios in separate Feature files are reported under same Feature
- #119 Status interrupted for second scenario
- Cucumber <6 version compatibility issues
versions 7-8 support.
version to the latest
- Launch status calculation
version to the latest
- #66 Incorrect calculation of test status
- Lots of other bugs
version to the latest
- Full compatibility with ReportPortal version 5.* (see reportportal releases)
- Previous package versions (
) will no longer supported by