[notice ] response : I command : d
protocol : 0 light_engine_state : ready 0 playback_state : idle 0 source : 0 light_engine_flags : 00000 playback_flags : 000 source_flags : 0 buffer_fullness : 224 point_rate : 0 point_count : 15743447
[notice ] sendPrepare() [notice ] sendBegin()
Text is quite hard to read, partly because it is flickering unless very imprecise.
It is easier to read text drawn a few letters at a time.
If there are too many points already, maybe some points can merge into one bigger point?
Drawing points instead of circles is waaaay faster.
System calls Some analysis (process? type?)
Similar types of events start close to each other small subset of types
ys, dd, ix, cp, redit, random,
There is probably one letter missing from the parsing in many of these
- ys: sys
- cp: tcp
- dd: add? (mostly random events)
- ix: irq_matrix
- redit: credit (random event)
Maybe spin around at the end to reveal like the inside?
Looks good on the laser!! I need to fix the issue with zooming into/out of a specific spot.
This is the only part left, try it with the box.
More details could be optionally drawn on the same view
- Different connected users (who have made an action in the last n seconds)
- Different parts of the server structure
- Different parts that are in the room (laser, DAC, webcams, server, projector)
Different colours for different events Tested: doesn’t work, the laer doesn’t have time to draw them and the colours don’t work with low intensity dots.
- users
- server
- room and OS
- full line turning on per event, or
- a dot running horizontally
- don’t run update
- don’t accept new events
It seems like the maximum dot intensity is approximately 1.0 / (number_of_dots * 4)
- many users on red dots
- web ser er circle?