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Library to handle and parse data from Pangya metadata and item (.iff
) files.
You can download this package on NuGet using the .NET CLI
dotnet add package PangLib.IFF
using System.IO;
using PangLib.IFF;
using PangLib.IFF.DataModels;
// Create new instance
IFFFile<Caddie> IFF = new IFFFile<Caddie>();
// If you create an empty instance, don't forget to set both Version and Binding properties which are
// required for the IFF files to be interpreted by the game properly!
// or load file into a new instance
IFFFile<Caddie> IFF = new IFFFile<Caddie>(File.Open("./Caddie.iff", FileMode.Open));
// You can now access the IFF file entries on IFF.Entries
// IFF.Entries is a List<T> of the type you pass to the IFFFile instance
// here you can add, remove, manipulate entries
// Save IFFFile instance back to file