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File metadata and controls

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Definition of an OpenShift cluster. The cloud_provider attribute is a reference to the cloud provider. When a cluster is retrieved it will be a link to the cloud provider, containing only the kind, id and href attributes: json { \"cloud_provider\": { \"kind\": \"CloudProviderLink\", \"id\": \"123\", \"href\": \"/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/cloud_providers/123\" } } When a cluster is created this is optional, and if used it should contain the identifier of the cloud provider to use: json { \"cloud_provider\": { \"id\": \"123\", } } If not included, then the cluster will be created using the default cloud provider, which is currently Amazon Web Services. The region attribute is mandatory when a cluster is created. The aws.access_key_id, aws.secret_access_key and dns.base_domain attributes are mandatory when creation a cluster with your own Amazon Web Services account.


Name Type Description Notes
kind str Indicates the type of this object. Will be 'Cluster' if this is a complete object or 'ClusterLink' if it is just a link. [optional]
id str Unique identifier of the object. [optional]
href str Self link. [optional]
api ClusterAPI [optional]
aws AWS [optional]
aws_infrastructure_access_role_grants list[AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrant] List of AWS infrastructure access role grants on this cluster. [optional]
ccs CCS [optional]
dns DNS [optional]
fips bool Create cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries. [optional]
gcp GCP [optional]
gcp_encryption_key GCPEncryptionKey [optional]
gcp_network GCPNetwork [optional]
additional_trust_bundle str Additional trust bundle. [optional]
addons list[AddOnInstallation] List of add-ons on this cluster. [optional]
autoscaler ClusterAutoscaler [optional]
billing_model BillingModel [optional]
byo_oidc ByoOidc [optional]
cloud_provider CloudProvider [optional]
console ClusterConsole [optional]
creation_timestamp datetime Date and time when the cluster was initially created, using the format defined in RFC3339. [optional]
delete_protection DeleteProtection [optional]
disable_user_workload_monitoring bool Indicates whether the User workload monitoring is enabled or not It is enabled by default [optional]
etcd_encryption bool Indicates whether that etcd is encrypted or not. This is set only during cluster creation. [optional]
expiration_timestamp datetime Date and time when the cluster will be automatically deleted, using the format defined in RFC3339. If no timestamp is provided, the cluster will never expire. This option is unsupported. [optional]
external_id str External identifier of the cluster, generated by the installer. [optional]
external_configuration ExternalConfiguration [optional]
flavour Flavour [optional]
groups list[Group] Link to the collection of groups of user of the cluster. [optional]
health_state ClusterHealthState [optional]
htpasswd HTPasswdIdentityProvider [optional]
hypershift Hypershift [optional]
identity_providers list[IdentityProvider] Link to the collection of identity providers of the cluster. [optional]
inflight_checks list[InflightCheck] List of inflight checks on this cluster. [optional]
infra_id str InfraID is used for example to name the VPCs. [optional]
ingresses list[Ingress] List of ingresses on this cluster. [optional]
kubelet_config KubeletConfig [optional]
load_balancer_quota int Load Balancer quota to be assigned to the cluster. [optional]
machine_pools list[MachinePool] List of machine pools on this cluster. [optional]
managed bool Flag indicating if the cluster is managed (by Red Hat) or self-managed by the user. [optional]
managed_service ManagedService [optional]
multi_az bool Flag indicating if the cluster should be created with nodes in different availability zones or all the nodes in a single one randomly selected. [optional]
name str Name of the cluster. This name is assigned by the user when the cluster is created. [optional]
network Network [optional]
node_drain_grace_period Value [optional]
node_pools list[NodePool] List of node pools on this cluster. NodePool is a scalable set of worker nodes attached to a hosted cluster. [optional]
nodes ClusterNodes [optional]
openshift_version str Version of OpenShift installed in the cluster, for example `4.0.0-0.2`. When retrieving a cluster this will always be reported. When provisioning a cluster this will be ignored, as the version to deploy will be determined internally. [optional]
product Product [optional]
properties dict(str, str) User defined properties for tagging and querying. [optional]
provision_shard ProvisionShard [optional]
proxy Proxy [optional]
region CloudRegion [optional]
state ClusterState [optional]
status ClusterStatus [optional]
storage_quota Value [optional]
subscription Subscription [optional]
version Version [optional]

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