All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added less variable support for all css variables. You can now override all hardcoded mediaquery widths and base styles when building less files manually. IE:
lessc --modify-var='uom=.9rem' --modify-var='width-desktop=16in' src/horizn.less dist/css/horizn.css
- Cleaned up many less files to take advantage of nesting. This is important because horizn uses a lot of combinations of sibling selectors. The pattern is much clearer now.
- fix for variable unit of measures.
- Changed node package.json to reflect new location of code repository in richminchukio organization.
- Removed the use of
in CSS print styles for Amp ⚡️ support.- Use of
was a holdover from improper ordering of normalize.css in an earlier prerelease version.
- Use of
- Removed unused css selection styles.
- These styles were never included in the horizn.less file or slim version templates. IE: not a (breaking) major version bump
- node package support
- A prominent horizontal "hero" image.
- Full device width images (mobile only) that bleed into device specific inset areas.
- Thoughtful positioning of hierarchically semantic navigation.
- Dueling scrollable areas which accentuate article content.
- Optional article styling. Content that looks and behaves well out of the box for desktop and mobile devices.
- Built in light (and optionally dark) mode styling.
- Changed from CSS grid to flexbox.
- this includes breaking changes to the template from [v1.0.0]
- pushed major release to NPM prematurely
- IE: don't use this version
- horizn's first form: css-grid