This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Updated on 01/06/2025.
- Solution URL:
Focused on using Flex Box in the positioning of the component. Vanilla CSS was used.
- Semantic HTML 5 markup (where possible)
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Flexbox
- I got a better grasp on layout methods by combining Flex.
- Sometimes, things are left out of the desgin system docs and you have to either improvise (or call someone.)
- Keep working on Grid and Flex layouts.
- Use modern best practices like @layer and modular layouts.
- Kevin Powell's Youtube Channel - The guy's channel is a great resource for all things CSS.
- MDN - for obvious reasons. Now better since they've started including demos like W3 Schools.
I'm a longtime tech enthusiast, learning frontend web dev and low-level programming. I'm currently helping folks in my local community with teck issues.
From Virginia in the USA.
Frontend Mentor profile - @bvandyke
Github - @ridge-runner