Follow the installation instructions before trying out the samples. Our pick, if you have time to try only one sample: samples/1b_e2e_registered_components
Sample Link | Description |
1a_e2e_local_components | E2E dummy train-score-eval pipeline with local components |
1b_e2e_registered_components | E2E dummy train-score-eval pipeline with registered components |
1c_e2e_inline_components | E2E dummy train-score-eval pipeline with components defined inline in pipeline job |
2a_basic_component | Hello World component example |
2b_component_with_input_output | Component with inputs and outputs |
2c_registered_component | Registering a component and using it in a Pipeline Job |
3a_basic_pipeline | Simple Pipeline Job with 3 Hello World components |
3b_pipline_with_data | Pipeline Job with data dependencies between components |
4a_local_data_input | Example of using data in a local folder as pipeline input |
4b_datastore_datapath | Example of using data from a Workspace Datastore as pipeline input |
4c_dataset_input | Example of using data from a Dataset as pipeline input |
4d_web_url_input | Example of using a file hosted at a web URL as pipeline input |
5a_env_public_docker_image | Example of specifying a docker image for the component environment |
5b_env_registered | Example of using a registered AzureML Environment in a component |
5c_env_conda_file | Example of using a docker image with a conda file for additional packages in a component |