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e5913ce · Jun 14, 2018


This branch is 21584 commits behind Azure/azure-quickstart-templates:master.


Deploy an Azure VNet and an HDInsight Hadoop cluster within the VNet

This template allows you to create an secure Azure VNet and a HDInsight cluster within the VNet. Azure Virtual Network allows you to extend your Hadoop solutions to incorporate on-premises resources such as SQL Server, combine multiple HDInsight cluster types, or to create secure private networks between resources in the cloud. The template creates a network security group (including the inbound security rules), a virtual network, an HDInsight Hadoop cluster and the default storage account. Please note the rules are "all other regions" listed in Extend HDInsight capabilities by using Azure Virtual Network( You can either use a region other than Brazil South, Canada East, Canada Central, West Central US, and West US 2, or modify the IP addresses defined in the rules.