#Install Seaside3.1.0
Bare bones instructions for loading Seaside3.1.0 into GemStone/S (verified in, but should work in 2.4.x as well).
Clone Web Edition:
cd /opt/git
git clone [email protected]:glassdb/webEditionHome.git
export WE_HOME=/opt/git/webEditionHome
Define Web Edition environment variables:
. $WE_HOME/bin/defWebEdition
Start stone and topaz:
topaz -l
At topaz prompt, after logging in as DataCurator, input script that upgrades GLASS to 1.0-beta.9.1 and then input script that loads Seaside3.1.0:
set gemstone seaside
set user DataCurator pass swordfish
input $WE_HOME/server/topaz/upgradeConfigurationOfGLASS.tpz
input $WE_HOME/server/topaz/seaside3.1/loadSeaside3.1.0.tpz
input $WE_HOME//server/topaz/seaside3.1/startZinc.tpz
The topaz session will hang with the following message:
--transcript--'Starting Zinc adaptor'
If you want to quit the server, just hit CTL-c
You should be able to hit Seaside using the following url: