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Lighting Module Driver Firmware

Firmware implementation of the aircraft lighting system. Commands to the system are transmitted via a common I2C bus, connecting all lighting units (slave devices) with the Pixhawk (as master transmitter).



This firmware is designed to run on the Atmel ATTiny88 and was programmed via the Dragon ISP programmer. See the /doc folder for more information. The below implementation is meant to drive a series of RGB LEDs via PWM signals. Because there are only two hardware waveform generators in the ATTiny88 unit, a third PWM generator was 'bit-bnanged' using the 8-bit timer (Timer0) and a spare GPIO pin (PB0).

System Architecture

The software is broken into modules and their interaction is depicted by the following diagram:

    +------------------+        +----------------+            
    |                  |  tick  |                |            
    |                  | - - - -+  Waveform Gen  +---> To LEDs
    |                  |        |                |            
    |                  |        +--------^-------+            
    |                  |                 |                    
    |   Synchronized   |                 |                    
    |   Clock          |                 |                    
    |                  |        +--------+-------+            
    |   (PLL)          |  theta |                |            
    |                  +-------->  Pattern       |            
    |                  |        |  Generator     |            
    |                  |        |                |            
    +--------^---------+        +--------^-------+            
             |                           |                    
             |                           |                    
             |                           |                    
             |                  +--------+-------+            
             |                  |                |            
             |                  |  Lighting      |            
             |                  |  Interface     <---+ Node ID
             |                  |  Protocol      |            
             |                  |                |            
             |                  +--------^-------+            
             |                           |                    
             |                           |                    
             |                           |                    
    |                                            |            
    |                TWI Manager                 |            
    |                                            |            

Lighting Interface Protocol

Implementation of communications interface agreed upon by lighting system users. This is the module which will be updated when interface changes are required, and is not meant to be portable, but rather a very application-specific implementation.

Pattern Generator

A set of utilities to generate parametrically driven patterns. The time domain for the pattern must be updated via the theta parameter, which is supplied by the Synchro Clock in this implementation.

Syncrhonized Clock

Keep time (at a configurable speed) that is synchronizable to a phase correction signal. This means that if an external signal is supplied at some interval, this clock will temporarily adjust its speed to synchronize with the phase signal.

TWI Manager

I2C/TWI wrapper methods to asynchronously handle transmission events. A maximum buffer size and slave address must be specified.

Waveform Generator

Interacts with hardware timers and pwm generators to output a waveform as specified by the input channel registers. This module directly controls the LEDs.

Build Instructions


This software was developed using CrossPack AVR on OSX. However, Atmel's AVR Studio should also work.

Additionally, the build process has been automated using GNU Make. The following instructions assume a build environment is properly configured in the Makefile. Specifically, the following Makefile definitions must be configured: PROG, AVROBJCOPY, AVRSIZE, AVRGCC

Set Fuses

The microcontroller clock selection bit must be set to allow software selection of the full rate clock (8MHz). This required to be run only once and can be executed via the Makefile command, make fuse.


Compiling and linking the hex file for target hardware is automated via the included Makefile. Simply run make to create a target output.


Flashing the ATTiny88 with the hexfile is also automated and can be accomplished by running make flash.

Client Usage

Phase Synchronization

Several lighting units on the same I2C bus can be phase-synchronized to implement coordinated animations between all units. This is accomplished by signaling the beginning of the univerally-synchronized period with a single I2C general call packet. This packet should be issued on a 4 second period, by the master transmitter, in this implementation.

Packet Data Comment
0x00 General call packet will trigger
a phase correction. No other data is required
to be sent with this packet.
Total Size 1 Byte

General I2C Messaging Format

Commands to the aircraft lighting system are transmitted via a common I2C bus, connecting all lighting units (slave devices) with the Pixhawk (as master transmitter). The following interface description will form as a contract between developers of application code running on the Pixhawk unit and those creating driver firmware on the individual lighting units.

In the below examples, SLAVE ADDR is a 7-bit value, assigned to each lighting units. The particular value is determined by hardware settings and read from GPIOs on startup. The least significant bit is reset to indicate a write operation is to be performed.

Each message contains some lighting instruction data and is of the following form:
The parameter+value segment within square brackets is optional.

Patterns and Color Mixing

Generally, all patterns follow the convention:

Bias + Amplitude x Function(time)  

Where function is the selected pattern and time is the theta value computed by the synchronized clock, selected speed and phase values. Bias and Amplitude are used to adjust the intensity and color of the light. Notes in each possible pattern selection follows:





















The following examples show how to accomplish several effects via I2C commands to a single lighting system unit. Each of these command sequences would need to be repeated (or slightly modified) for each lighting unit to be updated.

Change Pattern

To only change the pattern animation, address the desired unit and send a pattern enum value, such as the PATTERN_FADEIN value depicted below:

Packet Data Comment
SLAVE_ADDR Slave address for individual lighting unit
PATTERN_FADEIN Change animation pattern to Fade In
Total Size 2 Bytes

Change Pattern and Parameters

To update the animation pattern, as well as one or several parameters, append the parameter data after the pattern selection. In the below example, the pattern is commanded to become a sine wave, with the bias and amplitude each set to a value of 100 for all three colors. In addition, the phase offset for the entire unit is set to be 0 degrees and the speed of the sine wave pattern is set to have a period of 2 seconds. Note the total size of this transaction (per lighting unit) is 20 bytes.

Packet Data Comment
SLAVE_ADDR Slave address for individual lighting unit
PATTERN_SINE This unit will animate intensity as a sine wave
PARAM_BIAS_RED Set the red LED bias
100 (Value)
PARAM_AMPLITUDE_RED Set the red LED amplitude
100 (Value)
PARAM_BIAS_GREEN Set the green LED bias
100 (Value)
PARAM_AMPLITUDE_GREEN Set the green LED amplitude
100 (Value)
PARAM_BIAS_BLUE Set the blue LED bias
100 (Value)
PARAM_AMPLITUDE_BLUE Set the blue LED amplitude
100 (Value)
PARAM_PHASEOFFSET Set the Phase Offset of this unit
0 to zero
PARAM_PERIOD Set the speed of this animation to
2000 >> 8 a period of 2000ms. Notice MSB is
2000 sent first, in this 2-byte param.
Total Size 20 Bytes

Update Parameters Only

To avoid changing a pattern while updating parameters of the already selected pattern, use the same message format but with the pattern enum set to PATTERN_PARAMUPDATE. Then append the desired parameter+value pairs as usual. The below example updates the repeat count of the currently selected pattern to 1. This technique may be used to stop a pattern gracefully before applying a new animation.

Packet Data Comment
SLAVE_ADDR Slave address for individual lighting unit
PATTERN_PARAMUPDATE Change animation pattern to Fade In
Total Size 4 Bytes

Example: Fade Out

To implement a fade out, ensure that the amplitude values are non-zero, a sufficiently slow period is assigned and the fade out pattern is selected:

Packet Data Comment
SLAVE_ADDR Slave address for individual lighting unit
PATTERN_FADEOUT This unit will animate intensity as a sine wave
PARAM_AMPLITUDE_RED Set the red LED amplitude
150 (Value)
PARAM_AMPLITUDE_GREEN Set the green LED amplitude
150 (Value)
PARAM_AMPLITUDE_BLUE Set the blue LED amplitude
150 (Value)
PARAM_PERIOD Set the speed of this animation to
4000 >> 8 a period of 2000ms. Notice MSB is
4000 sent first, in this 2-byte param.
Total Size 11 Bytes



For best results, selected speeds must be an integer multiple of the fundamental speed (0.25Hz). Commanded speeds should be lower than the fundamental speed. For example, a valid speeds (given in period milliseconds) would be 2000 or 1000. Invalid speeds would be 3000 or 5000. While 'invalid' speeds may be interpreted correctly by the lighting units, the results are unverified.


The master transmitter must supply a phase synchronization signal (in the form of an I2C general call) once every 4 seconds. The accuracy of this phase signal period will affect the perceived stability of the lighting animation. In the absence of this signal, the lighting animations between units will fall out of synchronization and not be able to provide any coordinated effects reliably.