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nxsearch C API


The public API is provided by the <nxs.h> header. The library is not mult-thread safe but the underlying structures support concurrency which can be utilized using separate processes. A single library instance is represented by the nxs_t * reference.

  • nxs_t *nxs_open(const char *basedir)

    • Open a library instance using the given base directory where the index and filter data would be stored and managed. The base directory must already exist. If the basedir parameter is NULL, then the NXS_BASEDIR environment variable will be used instead.
  • void nxs_close(nxs_t *nxs)

    • Close the library instance. This will also close any opened indexes, making the existing references no longer valid.
  • nxs_err_t nxs_get_error(const nxs_t *nxs, const char **error_msg)

    • Get the last recorded error. This is used to retrieve the error code with the associated message for the last failed operation. See the section on errors below for more details.


The error code is represented by the nxs_err_t enumeration. The list of symbolic error names defined:

  • NXS_ERR_SUCCESS: indicate the success of last operation i.e. no error. The value is this error code can be assumed to be zero.
  • NXS_ERR_FATAL: unspecified fatal error; generally not expected to occur, unless index files get corrupted, there is an unusual system-level error condition or a flaw in the application.
  • NXS_ERR_SYSTEM: system-level error, e.g. access denial or out-of-memory.
  • NXS_ERR_INVALID: invalid parameter or value, e.g. invalid ranking algorithm.
  • NXS_ERR_EXISTS: resource already exists, e.g. document ID already exists.
  • NXS_ERR_MISSING: resource is missing, e.g. index was not created.
  • NXS_ERR_LIMIT: resource limit reached, e.g. term is too large.


The nxs_params_t object is used to pass the index or query parameters. It is a container for key-value pairs representing some configuration.

  • nxs_params_t *nxs_params_create(void)

    • Create a parameters object, which is initially just an empty container.
  • nxs_params_t *nxs_params_fromjson(nxs_t *nxs, const char *text, size_t len)

    • Create a parameters object populated from from the JSON string, specified by text and its length by len.
  • void nxs_params_release(nxs_params_t *params)

    • Destroy the parameters object.
  • int nxs_params_set_str(nxs_params_t *params, const char *key, const char *val)

    • Set the key to the given string value. Returns 0 on success or non-zero on error.
  • int nxs_params_set_uint(nxs_params_t *params, const char *key, uint64_t *val)

    • Set the key to the given integer value. Returns 0 on success or non-zero on error.
  • char *nxs_params_tojson(const nxs_params_t *params, size_t *len)

    • Return parameters as a JSON string (or NULL on failure). The length is stored in len parameter if it is non-NULL. The user is responsible for calling free(3) on the string after use.


The nxs_index_t * is an active reference to an index.

  • nxs_index_t *nxs_index_create(nxs_t *, const char *name, nxs_params_t *params)

    • Create new index with a given name and parameters. If params is NULL, then the default parameters will be used. Returns the index reference or NULL on failure. Currently, the following parameters are supported:
      • algo: ranking algorithm; it may be set to "BM25" (default) or "TF-IDF".
      • lang: language of the content in the index which should be two-letter ISO 639-1 code; "en" (English) is the default.
      • filters: a list of filters (in the specified order) to apply when tokenizing; default is: "normalizer", "stopwords", "stemmer".
  • nxs_index_t *nxs_index_open(nxs_t *nxs, const char *name)

    • Open the index specified by name loading the internal tracking structures into the memory. Only one reference may be open per library instance. Returns the index reference or NULL on failure.
  • void nxs_index_close(nxs_index_t *idx)

    • Close the index, releasing its in-memory structures.
  • int nxs_index_destroy(nxs_t *nxs, const char *name)

    • Destroy the index, specified by name, deleting all of its data.
  • nxs_params_t *nxs_index_get_params(nxs_index_t *idx) Get the current parameters of the index. This is an active reference which must not be destroyed with nxs_params_release().

Add/remove documents

  • int nxs_index_add(nxs_index_t *idx, nxs_params_t *params, nxs_doc_id_t id, const char *text, size_t len)

    • Index the given document. The caller must provide a unique document ID, specified by id which must be a non-zero 64-bit integer. The document content is provided by text (with its length by len in bytes) which may be in UTF-8. Returns 0 on success or non-zero on failure. Currently, no parameters are supported and the params value should be NULL, but this may change in the future.
  • int nxs_index_remove(nxs_index_t *idx, nxs_doc_id_t id)

    • Remove the document from the index. Returns 0 on success or non-zero on failure.

Query and results

The nxs_resp_t * is a reference to a response containing the results. It is the user's responsibility to release them after use.

  • nxs_resp_t *nxs_index_search(nxs_index_t *idx, nxs_params_t *params, const char *query, size_t len)

    • Search the index using the query string (with its length in len). Custom search parameters may be specified in params or it may be set to NULL for defaults. Returns NULL on failure or the response object on success. The response object must be released using nxs_resp_release(). Currently, the following parameters are supported:
      • algo: override ranking algorithm (see nxs_index_create() description).
      • limit: the cap for the results (default: 1000).
      • fuzzymatch: fuzzy-match the terms (default: true).
  • char *nxs_resp_tojson(nxs_resp_t *resp, size_t *len)

    • Return the response as a JSON string representation. If the len is not NULL, stores the length of string in it. The user is responsible for calling free(3) on the string after use. Returns NULL on failure.
  • void nxs_resp_release(nxs_resp_t *resp)

    • Release the associated structure and destroy the response object.

The results can also be iterated using the following API:

  • void nxs_resp_iter_reset(nxs_resp_t *resp)

    • Initialize or reset the iterator to the beginning.
  • bool nxs_resp_iter_result(nxs_resp_t *resp, nxs_doc_id_t *id, float *score)

    • Returns true and the current document ID with its associated score and advanced the iterator to next item. Returns false when the end is reached (or if there are no results).
  • unsigned nxs_resp_resultcount(const nxs_resp_t *resp)

    • Return the number of items in the results.

Query syntax

nxsearch supports logical operators, grouping and quoting in its query syntax. Use the OR, AND as well as AND NOT keywords for the logical operators. The regular brackets ( and ) are used to group the expressions. For example:

"textbook" AND (C OR Python) AND (Linux OR Unix) AND NOT (Windows OR Java)

The logical operator keywords are case insensitive. Alternatively, | may be used for OR, & for AND, and - prefix for AND NOT. If any of these symbols need to be part of the value, the term string can be put into " or ' quotes.

The precedence of operators is the same as in logics, from the highest to lowest: NOT, AND, OR.