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Learning Qiskit: Guided exercises for developers

Jupyter notebooks containing guided exercises for developers learning quantum computing with Qiskit.


These notebooks may be run in the cloud, or downloaded and run locally. Note: When running in the cloud environments mentioned here, using a Chromium-based broswer such as Chrome or Brave is strongly recommended

To run in Google Colaboratory (in the cloud): Ensure that you have a Google account, and navigate to your desired notebook in this repository. Click the Open in Colab icon at the top the notebook. Note: Uncommenting the !pip install qiskit in the first cell in each of the notebooks installs Qiskit into the user's Colaboratory environment, so there is a bit of a delay and lots of output during this process.

To run locally: Clone or download this repository, and install the Qiskit foundational libraries in a Python environment using the instructions on the Qiskit Terra site.

Guided exercises (recommended to do in this order)

This guided exercise is an introduction to creating a single-wire quantum circuit using Qiskit, and to the Pauli-X gate. It also introduces qubits, including various ways to represent and visualize them.

This guided exercise introduces the Hadamard gate, quantum superpositions, probability amplitudes, and measurement probabilities. It also serves as a gentle introduction to Dirac notation.

This guided exercise builds on the previous one by creating circuits with multiple qubits, and examining their quantum state vectors. It also demonstrates how quantum states may be visualized.

This guided exercise introduces the idea of quantum entanglement, and explores the four Bell states.

Troubleshooting Guide

Here are some common issues and their resolutions

Symptom What to do
Cell contains an error message that contains ChangedInMarshmallow3Warning Not a problem, but re-run the cell to make it disappear