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Robert Peteuil edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 13 revisions


The first time the utility is executed it performs the following setup tasks:

  • Creates its config directory {HOME}/.cloud
  • Copies a sample config.ini file to the new config dir
  • Instructs the user to add their credential information to config.ini
    • The sample config.ini contains sample configuration data, and extensive comments describing how to add your real data.

Notes while editing the config.ini file:

  • do not change the names of the keys (titles left of the '=' symbol)
  • lines with comments may be deleted (lines beginning with #)


The config.ini file uses basic ini syntax, and includes an [info] section and a section for each cloud provider account.

  • The [info] section contains a single entry that lists the cloud provider accounts that mcc will use.
  • each provider-account section contains the credentials for that account


  • find the [info] section and the provider setting
    • providers is a comma-separated list of the cloud provider accounts that mcc will use
  • add each cloud-provider-account to the providers entry
    • specify providers using these names: alicloud, aws, azure, gcp
    • only include providers for which you have valid credentials
    • do not place spaces after the commas in the providers list
    • for example, to use AWS and azure, the entry should be providers = aws,azure
  • multiple account per provider is supported and explained after the example below

# Example specifying aws account and azure account:
providers = aws,azure

# Example that specifies an account for all supported providers:
providers = alicloud,aws,azure,gcp
  • multiple accounts for a provider is specified by adding a second entry to providers
    • begin the second entry with the provider name: alicloud, aws, azure, gcp
    • end it with a numeric suffix
    • example: aws2 specifies a 2nd AWS account
    • only include the provider name followed by numbers - otherwise it will fail to be recognized

# Example specifying two aws accounts and one azure account:
providers = aws,aws2,azure


  • each entry in the providers setting must have a section of the same name that contains the authentication credentials for that provider account
  • the settings required for each provider are described in the "PROVIDER SPECIFIC CREDENTIAL INFORMATION" section below

Basic example of an aws account listed in providers and a corresponding credentials section

providers = aws

aws_access_key_id = EXCEWDYSWRP7VZOW4VAW
aws_secret_access_key = CHVsdhV+YgBEjJuZsJNstLGgRY43kZggNHQEh/JK
aws_default_region = us-west-1

More advanced example: two aws accounts and azure listed in providers and a corresponding credentials sections for each. (note: in this example, the aws accounts use the same credentials, but specify different regions.)

providers = aws,aws2,azure

aws_access_key_id = EXCEWDYSWRP7VZOW4VAW
aws_secret_access_key = CHVsdhV+YgBEjJuZsJNstLGgRY43kZggNHQEh/JK
aws_default_region = us-west-2

aws_access_key_id = EXCEWDYSWRP7VZOW4VAW
aws_secret_access_key = CHVsdhV+YgBEjJuZsJNstLGgRY43kZggNHQEh/JK
aws_default_region = us-east-1

az_tenant_id = a3b7de99-6c36-e71f-e7d7-c5a1eefd9c01
az_sub_id = 2ac1b147-fdca-947c-4907-3f302a667100
az_app_id = ee16ad1d-d266-bffa-031c-008ab40d971e
az_app_sec = 22918C9e1cCC7665a+b3e4052f942630aE979CF68/v=



specifies your Alibaba Cloud security credentials and default datacenter region. Alibaba Cloud region list

# [alicloud] SECTION REQUIRED if alicloud is listed in providers

ali_region = cn-hangzhou
ali_access_key_id = EXCEWDYSWRP7VZOW
ali_access_key_secret = CHVsdhV+YgBEjJuZsJNstLGgRY43kZggNHQ


specifies your AWS security credentials and default datacenter region. Information on AWS Credentials

# [aws] SECTION REQUIRED if aws is listed in providers

aws_access_key_id = EXCEWDYSWRP7VZOW4VAW
aws_secret_access_key = CHVsdhV+YgBEjJuZsJNstLGgRY43kZggNHQEh/JK
aws_default_region = us-west-1


specifies your Azure Tenant-ID, Subscription-ID, Application-ID and Application-Secret. Creating an Azure Service Principal

# [azure] SECTION REQUIRED if azure is listed in providers

az_tenant_id = a3b7de99-6c36-e71f-e7d7-c5a1eefd9c01
az_sub_id = 2ac1b147-fdca-947c-4907-3f302a667100
az_app_id = ee16ad1d-d266-bffa-031c-008ab40d971e
az_app_sec = 22918C9e1cCC7665a+b3e4052f942630aE979CF68/v=


GCP supports two authentication types, Service-Account and Application Information on Setting up Service Account Authentication

  • Service Account authentication is the default method if not specified
  • The authentication type is specified with gcp_auth_type and setting to S or A
  • The parameters required for each authentication type are described below

[gcp] Service Account authentication

Requires that the service account key (a json file) copied or moved to the mcc config dir

# [gcp] SECTION REQUIRED if gcp is listed in providers

# Service Account Authentication Method (default)

gcp_auth_type = S   # may be ommited for Service Account Authentication
gcp_proj_id = sampleproject-634368
gcp_svc_acct_email = [email protected]
gcp_pem_file = SampleProject-72fcfdb29717.json

[gcp] Application authentication

The first time the program is run when using Application Authentication:

  • A URL is displayed in the terminal session
  • this URL must be opened in a web-browser where an access-code is displayed
  • copy the code from the web browser and paste it into the terminal session
  • GCP will then authenticate mcc, and normal execution will continue

[gcp] credentials required when using Application Authentication

# [gcp] SECTION REQUIRED if gcp is listed in providers

# Application Authentication Method

gcp_auth_type = A
gcp_proj_id = sampleproject-634368
gcp_client_id =
gcp_client_sec = t4ugvWTocssrVtX448tDEWBW
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