Building Roboconf's Docker images requires an internet connection to retrieve the last artifacts from Sonatype's OSS repository. However, there are times where we would like to use locally built Maven artifacts.
This project aims at mocking Nexus' Core API
to download local Maven artifacts.
The server can be launched manually with NodeJS or embedded in a Docker image.
For the moment, only the redirect operation is implemented.
The LATEST value is not supported when resolving artifacts.
docker build -t roboconf/mock-for-nexus-api .
# Add a volume to load the local Maven repository.
# The volume is read-only.
# Make the API available on the 9090 port.
# The container will run in background and be deleted automatically once stopped.
docker run -d --rm -p 9090:9090 -v /home/me/.m2:/home/maven:ro roboconf/mock-for-nexus-api
The API will be available by default at http://localhost:9090/redirect
Example of GET request (to run in your web browser).
Assuming you have NodeJS installed...
# Start the server
npm start
... or...
# To start the server while watching file edition
npm run dev