diff --git a/source/basics/constant_generator.html.md b/source/basics/constant_generator.html.md
index 94e510e..ebd317f 100644
--- a/source/basics/constant_generator.html.md
+++ b/source/basics/constant_generator.html.md
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ asynchronous in tests. Sending and receiving samples requires the constant
generator to be executed, and therefore Syskit's own execution loop.
{: .callout .callout-info}
-Rock's time representation has a precision of one microseconds, while Linux
+Rock's time representation has a precision of one microsecond, while Linux
(and therefore Ruby's Time class) go to the nanoseconds. This is why the
time comparison is not done using `assert_equal`, but `assert_in_delta`.
{: .callout .callout-warning}