diff --git a/source/components/importing_types.html.md b/source/components/importing_types.html.md
index 7cc3f69..7c074cb 100644
--- a/source/components/importing_types.html.md
+++ b/source/components/importing_types.html.md
@@ -42,11 +42,18 @@ import_types_from "hokuyo/Statistics.hpp"
(i.e. `hokuyo` for `drivers/hokuyo`).
{: .note}
**Important** The `using_library "library_name"` stanza
implicitly create a dependency between the oroGen package you're working on
and the library package. This dependency **must** be made explicit by adding
the corresponding `` line to the oroGen package's
+It is mandatory that this type of dependency defines a pkg-config file. All Rock
+packages do, but 3rd party libraries may not. If they do not, you will have to
+follow [this step-by-step](../libraries/cpp_libraries.html#unconventional_dependencies) to
+work around these.
{: .important}
## From other oroGen packages (type definition, export and reuse) {#from_orogen}