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What the world thinks of Trump

The extracted data behind the story What The World Thinks Of Trump.

Two of the datasets concern the share of different countries' populations that:

  • Have a favorable view of the U.S. (TRUMPWORLD-us.csv)
  • Trust the U.S. president when it comes to world affairs (TRUMPWORLD-pres.csv)

The other five are approval ratings across countries for five of President Trump's proposed policies:

  • Withdraw support for international climate change agreements (TRUMPWORLD-issue-1.csv)
  • Build a wall on the border between the U. S. and Mexico (TRUMPWORLD-issue-2.csv)
  • Withdraw U.S. support from the Iran nuclear weapons agreement (TRUMPWORLD-issue-3.csv)
  • Withdraw U.S. support for major trade agreements (TRUMPWORLD-issue-4.csv)
  • Introduce tighter restrictions on those entering the U.S. from some majority-Muslim countries (TRUMPWORLD-issue-5.csv)

Source: Pew Research Center