Releases: rokwire/rokwire-building-blocks-api
Releases · rokwire/rokwire-building-blocks-api
- Add multiple groupIds support in the put endpoint of events building block. #1026
- Add multiple groupIds support in the delete endpoint of events building block. #1118
- UI table spacing for details pages. #1117
- Form fields and placeholder text for contribute form. #1116
- Logs Building Block dependencies and Python base version. #1130
- Events BB dependencies and Python base version. #1135
- Dependabot alerts and dependency fixes for Appconfig BB. #1131
- Dependabot alerts and dependency fixes for Contributions BB. #1133
- Dependabot alerts and dependency fixes for Contributions Catalog BB. #1132
[1.18.0] - 2023-03-30
- UI for capability view page. #1034
- Updated footer UI. #1036
- UI changes to top navigation bar. #1040
- UI for talent view page. #1060
- UI changes for contribution details page. #1041
- Catalog home page UI. #1063
- CODEOWNERS file to include CHANGELOG. #1059
- Create contribution page UI. #1065
- Review block in contribution details page. #1066
- Rearranged divs in contribute page. #1079
- Element stylings in contribute page. #1087
- Cryptography version bump for contributions. #1089
- Cryptography version bump for appconfigservice. #1089
- Catalog home page card alignment. #1084
- Updated button styles to match design. #1085
- Update werkzeug version in catalog. #1099
- Custom dropdown menu style. #1090
- Fill footer at the bottom of pages. #1092
- Contribute form field labels and placeholders. #1102
- Wordings of view pages. #1069
- Cancel button in contribution edit page. #986
- Add group ids and user ids fields in events yaml file. #1017
- Compound text indexes for contribution collection. #1004
- Hide data deletion api key in capability view page. #1010
- Support multiple group ids in post endpoint in events building block. #1020
- User confirmation on cancel contribution. #1022
- Close button to remove environment key value pairs. #980
- Make environmentVariable key required if present in Catalog. #1028
- Added set and get functions for ApiBaseUrl in catalog. #1047
- Show appropriate error message when catalog cannot display a contribution. #961
- Position of Add capability and talent buttons in catalog form. #971
- Page re-direct after contribution edit. #976
- Add more fields button changed to Add environment variables. #975
- Edit contribution button color changed to grey. #981
- Heading for add a talent or capability in contribution edit page if talent or capability exists. #984
- Arrange environment variables into single row in capability view page. #993
- Arrange environment variables and data deletion endpoint into single row in capability. #989
- API Doc Dockerfile URLs to include new building blocks and remove unsupported building blocks. #831
- Talent fields yaml configuration #949
- Drop old indexes in contributions collection in mongodb. #1029
- Fix Core BB service token support in events #994
- Updated gevent in contributions. #1003
- Updated gevent in catalog. #1007
- Delete capability and talent functionality in catalog. #1009
- Edit database detail field in catalog. #1048
- Display multiple contribution admins in catalog. #1050
- VersionUrl field name in contribution edit page. #1056
- SourceUrl field display on IsOpenSourceUrl radio button in catalog. #1053
- Ability to delete a capability or talent from contribution. #951
- Hide sensitive data in capability view page. #950
- Minimum user privacy level in talent form. #970
- Upgrade Swagger UI base Docker image to v4.13.2. #991
- Change to allow all group admins to manage group events. #996
- Support in Contributions BB to upload an icon for Talents and Capabilities. #945
- Added error message when the Contributions are not retrieved from the Contributions BB #923
- Delete contribution button. #944
- Add support for hybrid events in Events BB. #955
- Display of Talent Self Certification fields when empty. #913
- Updated #946
- Validate start and end dates. #906
- Bug if reviewers collection is empty. #929
- Fixed indexing of environment variables key and value pairs. #921
- Update PyJWT package version and corresponding auth middleware library code. #935
- Sending email to reviewers. #839
- Self certification information to talent #878
- Items in contact details are added to required field data validation #907
- Version endpoint to contribution building block #897
- Version endpoint to logging building block #898
- Endpoint for showing required building blocks to contribution building block #904
- Multiple selection list for required building block added to talent #917
- Hide and toggle sensitive data. #905
- Modified required capability in talent detail page #877
- Minimum end user role as text in talent detail page #879
- Made person and organization display order more consistence in catalog #908
- Show general html values instead of raw data format in catalog #909
- Contact information in contribution detail page shows html formatted data #914
- Environmental variables in capability detail page shows html formatted data #915
- Posting contribution error when required capability is empty in talent #874
- End user role in posting doesn't update multiple selection #870
- Show and hide of source repo url based on the selection of open source #869
- Saving multiple capabilities error #858
- GET contributions returns 401 for unpublished contributions. #826
- Warning in Logs Building Block. #881
- Editing multiple talent and capabilities. #883
- Contributor editing for person and organization. #888
- Fix the Jinja version. #893
- Contributions Catalog login callback endpoint to /catalog/auth/callback. #803
- Catalog redirects to error page when the contribution request is not published. #774
- Successful POST of contribution redirect to contribution details page. #777
- Added additional env variable for audience for ROKWIRE_AUTH_HOST tokens. #842
- String comparisons to constant time comparisons in auth middleware library. #825