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Zipkin Release Process

This repo uses semantic versions with a twist: we update minors on api-breaks until we hit 1.0. Please keep this in mind when choosing version numbers.

  1. Alert others you are releasing

    There should be no commits made to master while the release is in progress (about 10 minutes). Before you start a release, alert others on gitter so that they don't accidentally merge anything. If they do, and the build fails because of that, you'll have to recreate the release tag described below.

  2. Push a git tag

    The tag should be of the format release-N.M.L, ex git tag release-1.18.1; git push origin release-1.18.1.

  3. Wait for Travis CI

    Release automation invokes travis/, which does the following:



Credentials of various kind are needed for the release process to work. If you notice something failing due to unauthorized, re-encrypt them using instructions at the bottom of the .travis.yml

Ex You'll see comments like this:

  # Ex. travis encrypt BINTRAY_USER=your_github_account
  - secure: "VeTO...

To re-encrypt, you literally run the commands with relevant values and replace the "secure" key with the output:

$ travis encrypt BINTRAY_USER=adrianmole
Please add the following to your .travis.yml file:

  secure: "mQnECL+dXc5l9wCYl/wUz+AaYFGt/1G31NAZcTLf2RbhKo8mUenc4hZNjHCEv+4ZvfYLd/NoTNMhTCxmtBMz1q4CahPKLWCZLoRD1ExeXwRymJPIhxZUPzx9yHPHc5dmgrSYOCJLJKJmHiOl9/bJi123456="

Troubleshooting invalid credentials

If you receive a '401 unauthorized' failure from jCenter or Bintray, it is likely BINTRAY_USER or BINTRAY_KEY entries are invalid, or possibly the user associated with them does not have rights to upload.

The least destructive test is to try to publish a snapshot manually. By passing the values Travis would use, you can kick off a snapshot from your laptop. This is a good way to validate that your unencrypted credentials are authorized.

Here's an example of a snapshot deploy with specified credentials.

$ BINTRAY_USER=adrianmole BINTRAY_KEY=ed6f20bde9123bbb2312b221 TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST=false TRAVIS_TAG= TRAVIS_BRANCH=master travis/

First release of the year

The license plugin verifies license headers of files include a copyright notice indicating the years a file was affected. This information is taken from git history. There's a once-a-year problem with files that include version numbers (pom.xml). When a release tag is made, it increments version numbers, then commits them to git. On the first release of the year, further commands will fail due to the version increments invalidating the copyright statement. The way to sort this out is the following:

Before you do the first release of the year, move the SNAPSHOT version back and forth from whatever the current is. In-between, re-apply the licenses.

$ ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=1.3.3-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
$ ./mvnw com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:format -pl -:zipkin-lens
$ ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=1.3.2-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
$ git commit -am"Adjusts copyright headers for this year"

Manually releasing

If for some reason, you lost access to CI or otherwise cannot get automation to work, bear in mind this is a normal maven project, and can be released accordingly. The main thing to understand is that libraries are not GPG signed here (it happens at bintray), and also that there is a utility to synchronise to maven central. Note that if for some reason bintray is down, the below will not work.

# First, set variable according to your personal credentials. These would normally be decrypted from .travis.yml

# now from latest master, prepare the release. We are intentionally deferring pushing commits
./mvnw --batch-mode -s ./.settings.xml -Prelease -nsu -DreleaseVersion=$VERSION -Darguments="-DskipTests" release:prepare  -DpushChanges=false

# once this works, deploy and synchronize to maven central
git checkout $VERSION
./mvnw --batch-mode -s ./.settings.xml -Prelease -nsu -DskipTests deploy
./mvnw --batch-mode -s ./.settings.xml -nsu -N io.zipkin.centralsync-maven-plugin:centralsync-maven-plugin:sync

# if all the above worked, clean up stuff and push the local changes.
./mvnw release:clean
git checkout master
git push
git push --tags

Backport patch release

Usually we only release incrementing numbers. For example, if the current release is 2.8.7, we release 2.8.8. In some rare scenarios, we might have to release a backport on a non-current minor. To do this is manual, as we don't have automation. Please proceed with caution when doing this.

Notably, watch carefully as travis does not build version tags!

Find or create a N.N.x branch

If a backport release already existed for a minor, you'll find a N.N.x branch. For example, if the last minor version was 2.4.4, the branch would be 2.4.x. Check this out.

If there is no branch, find the last commit before the next minor. For example, using git log, you look for the commit for "prepare release" and branch off the one right before it.

Ex. With the following git log

commit 1f5808b0b5bd7ad911cc2e21d3336540bd4ec83d (tag: 2.5.0)
Author: zipkinci <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 20 11:08:41 2018 +0000

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.5.0

commit 9a4ec17cf741bc4dcabef8aad41c1071dd5cfb77 (tag: release-2.5.0)

You would checkout and branch off 9a4ec17cf741bc4dcabef8aad41c1071dd5cfb77 like so:

$ git checkout 9a4ec17cf741bc4dcabef8aad41c1071dd5cfb77
$ git checkout -b 2.4.x
# pushing the branch just so that circleci will check it
$ git push origin 2.4.x

Add the changes you need

Once you are on the branch, you'd use git cherry-pick to add the commits you need. Once you have what you need, make sure you push them so that circleci can check it.

Assuming abcdef1 is the commit ID needed, cherry-pick it like so:

$ git cherry-pick abcdef1
$ git push origin 2.4.x

Do a release locally

With all the changes staged and ready, you need to do a release. This involves changing the "pom" files which is mostly automatic, creating a couple commit, pushing a tag, and running deploy.

Assuming you are on branch 2.4.x and you want to release 2.4.5.

$ ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=2.4.5 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# edit the pom and change <tag>HEAD</tag> to <tag>2.4.5</tag>
$ git commit -am"prepare to release 2.4.5"
$ git tag 2.4.5
$ git push origin 2.4.5

Once you are here, actually do the release. You'll need bintray access:

$ BINTRAY_USER=adrianmole \
BINTRAY_KEY=abcdef1abcdef1abcdef1abcdef1 \
./mvnw --batch-mode -s ./.settings.xml -Prelease -nsu -DskipTests deploy -X

Note: this will release to bintray, but not sync central. Test the release and delete if it is screwed up. Once it is ready, release to maven central via bintray:

Prepare the next version number

Once all of that is done, push the next snapshot version to the release branch.

Assuming you are on branch 2.4.x and you just released 2.4.5.

$ ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=2.4.6-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# edit the pom and change <tag>2.4.5</tag> to <tag>HEAD</tag>
$ git commit -am"prepare next version"
$ git push origin 2.4.x

Generating jdiff and javadoc

Once the release is done and the artifacts are in maven central, you can generate the jdiff report in the gh-pages branch. It's not needed to do this for a patch release.

$ wget -L -c -O jdiff.jar
$ java -jar jdiff.jar -gId io.zipkin.zipkin2 -aId zipkin -fromVersion 2.20.2 -toVersion 2.21.3 -o jdiff/2.20_to_2.21 -p 'zipkin2 zipkin2.codec zipkin2.v1'
$ git add jdiff/2.20_to_2.21
$ git commit -m"jdiff report"
$ git push upstream gh-pages

Note that

  • The fromVersion and toVersion reflect the latest patch version of each release.
  • The output directory does not include the patch version number.
  • The -p parameter specifies the packages to include in the jdiff report, you can look at bnd.bnd to see which packages we export. This rarely changes.