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Releases: root-project/jsroot


16 Dec 09:32
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  1. New TGeo classes support:
    • browsing through volumes hierarchy
    • changing visibility flags
    • drawing of selected volumes
  2. New 'flex' layout:
    • create frames like in Multi Document Interface
    • one could move/resize/minimize/maximize such frames
  3. Significant (factor 4) I/O performance improvement:
    • use ArrayBuffer class in HTTP requests instead of String
    • use native arrays (like Int32Array) for array data members
    • highly optimize streamer infos handling
  4. TH2 drawing optimization:
    • if there are too many non-empty bins, combine them together
    • when zoom-in, all original bins will be displayed separately
    • let draw big TH2 histogram faster than in 1 sec
    • optimization can be disabled by providing '&optimize=0' in URL
  5. TF1 drawing optimization:
    • function 'compiled' only once
  6. Reorganize scripts structure:
    • move all math functions to JSRootMath.js
    • TH2, TF1, THStack and TMultiGraph painters moved into JSRootPainter.more.js script
    • reduce size of scripts required for default functionality
  7. Update all basic libraries:
    • d3.js - v3.5.9,
    • jquery.js - v2.1.4,
    • jquery-ui.js - v1.11.4,
    • three.js - r73
  8. Implement ROOT6-like color palettes:
    • all palettes in range 51...112 are implemented
    • by default palette 57 is used
    • one could change default palette with '&palette=111' in URL
    • or palette can be specified in draw option like '&opt=colz,pal77'


24 Nov 16:32
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  1. Support non-equidistant bins for TH1/TH2 objects.
  2. Display entries count from histo.fEntries member, only when not set use computed value
  3. Support italic and bold text when used with MathJax
  4. Improve TF1 drawing - support exp function in TFormula, fix errors with logx scale, enable zoom-in, (re)calculate function points when zooming
  5. Support several columns in TLegend
  6. Introduce context menus for x/y axis, add some items similar to native ROOT menus
  7. Introduce context menu for TPaveStats, let switch single elements in the box
  8. Enable usage of all context menus on touch devices
  9. Implement JSROOT.Math.Prob function, provides probability value in stat box
  10. Introduce context menu for color palette (z axis)
  11. Implement col0 and col0z draw option for TH2 histograms, similar to ROOT6


02 Oct 08:12
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  1. Let use HTML element pointer in JSROOT.draw function like:
    JSROOT.draw(document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0], obj, "hist");
    Normally unique identifier was used before, which is not required any longer.
    Of course, old functionality with element identifier will work as well.
  2. TreePlayer can also be used for trees, which not yet read from the file.
    Requires appropriate changes in TRootSniffer class.
  3. Fix error in I/O with members like: Double_t *fArr; //[fN]
  4. Introduce JSROOT.OpenFile function. It loads I/O functionality automatically,
    therefore can be used directly after loading JSRootCore.js script
  5. Same is done with JSROOT.draw function. It is defined in the JSRootCore.js
    and can be used directly. Makes usage of JSROOT easier
  6. Introduce JSRootPainter.more.js script, where painters for auxiliary classes
    will be implemented.
  7. Implement painter for TEllipse, TLine, TArrow classes
  8. Fix several problems with markers drawing; implement plus, asterisk, mult symbols.
  9. Implement custom layout, which allows to configure user-defined layout for displayed objects
  10. Fix errors with scaling of axis labels.
  11. Support also Y axis with custom labels like:;1&opt=col


22 Jul 08:35
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  1. Support of X axis with custom labels like:

  2. Extend functionality of JSROOT.addDrawFunc() function. One could register type-specific
    make_request and after_request functions; icon, prereq, script, monitor properties.
    This let add more custom elements to the generic gui, implemented with JSROOT.HierarchyPainter

  3. Provide full support of require.js. One could load now JSRootCore.js script like:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="require.js" data-main="scripts/JSRootCore.js"></script>

    After this several modules are defined and can be used with syntax like:

    require(['JSRootPainter'], function(jsroot) { /*any user code*/});

    Also inside JSROOT require.js used to load all dependencies.


01 Jul 13:45
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  1. Try to provide workaround for websites where require.js already loaded.
    This makes problem by direct loading of jquery and jquery-ui
  2. Provide workaround for older version of jquery-ui
  3. Prompt for input of command arguments
  4. After command execution one could automatically reload hierarchy (_hreload property) or
    update view of displayed object (_update_item property)
  5. Use HiearchyPainter for implementing draw.htm. This let us handle
    all different kinds of extra attributes in central place
  6. Fix problem in tabs layout - new tab should be add to direct child
  7. When drawing several tabs, activate frame before drawing - only then
    real frame size will be set
  8. Fix problem with GetBBox - it only can be used for visible elements in mozilla.
  9. Support drawing of fit parameters in stat box, use (as far as possible) stat and fit format for statistic display
  10. Implement 'g' formatting kind for stat box output - one need to checks significant digits when producing output.
  11. Support new draw options for TGraph: 'C', 'B1', '0', '2', '3', '4', '[]'
  12. Primary support for STL containers in IO part. Allows to read ROOT6 TF1.
  13. Full support of TGraphBentErrors
  14. Support objects drawing from JSON files in default user interface, including monitoring. One could open file from link like:
  15. Introduce JSROOT.FFormat function to convert numeric values into string according format like 6.4g or 5.7e. Used for statistic display.


28 Apr 14:01
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  1. Fix error in vertical text alignment
  2. Many improvements in TPaletteAxis drawing - draw label, avoid too large ticks.
  3. Fix error with col drawing - bin with maximum value got wrong color
  4. Test for existing jquery.js, jquery-ui.js and d3.js libraries, reuse when provided
  5. Fix several I/O problems; now one could read files, produced in Geant4
  6. Implement 'e2' drawing option for TH1 class,
    use by default 'e' option when TH1 has non-empty fSumw2
  7. Reuse statistic from histogram itself, when no axis selection done
  8. Support log/lin z scale for color drawing
  9. Implement interactive z-scale selection on TPaletteAxis
  10. Allow to redraw item with other draw options (before one should clear drawings)
  11. Several improvements in THttpServer user interface - repair hierarchy reload,
    hide unsupported context menu entries, status line update


09 Apr 15:21
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  1. Support usage of minimized versions of .js and .css files.
    Minimized scripts used by default on web servers.
  2. Implement JSROOT.extend instead of jQuery.extend, reduce
    usage of jquery.js in core JSROOT classes
  3. Implement main graphics without jquery at all,
    such mode used in nobrowser mode.
  4. Provide optional latex drawing with MathJax SVG.
    TMathText always drawn with MathJax,
    other classes require mathjax option in URL
  5. Improve drawing of different text classes, correctly handle
    their alignment and scaling, special handling for IE
  6. Fix error with time axes - time offset was not correctly interpreted


09 Apr 15:20
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  1. Use d3.time.scale for display of time scales
  2. Within JSRootCore.js script URL one could specify JSROOT
    functionality to be loaded: '2d', '3d', 'io', 'load', 'onload'.
    Old method with JSROOT.AssertPrerequisites will also work.
  3. With THttpServer JSROOT now provides simple control functionality.
    One could publish commands and execute them from the browser
  4. One could open several ROOT files simultaneously
  5. Add 'simple' layout - drawing uses full space on the right side
  6. Allow to open ROOT files in online session (via url parameter)
  7. One could monitor simultaneously objects from server and root files
  8. Implement 'autocol' draw option - when superimposing histograms,
    their line colors will be automatically assigned
  9. Implement 'nostat' draw option - disabled stat drawing
  10. Using 'same' identifier in item name, one can easily draw or superimpose
    similar items from different files. Could be used in URL like:
    ...&files=[file1.root,file2.root]&items=[file1.root/hpx, file2.root/_same_]
    Main limitation - file names should have similar length.
  11. When 'autozoom' specified in draw options, histogram zoomed into
    non-empty content. Same command available via context menu.
  12. Item of 'Text' kind can be created. It is displayed as
    plain text in the browser. If property 'mathjax' specified,
    MathJax.js library will be loaded and used for rendering.
    See httpcontrol.C macro for example.
  13. When using foreignObject, provide workaround for absolute positioning
    problem in Chrome/Safari, see


09 Apr 15:19
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  1. Support JSON objects embedding in html pages, produced by THttpServer
  2. For small resize of canvas use autoscale functionality of SVG. Only when
    relative changes too large, redraw complete canvas again.
  3. Use touch-punch.min.js to process touch events with jquery-ui
  4. Even when several TH1/TGraph/TF1 objects with fill attribute overlap each other,
    one able to get tooltip for underlying objects
  5. Use jquery-ui menu for context menu
  6. From context menu one could select several options for drawing
  7. Provide user interface for executing TTree::Draw on THttpServer
  8. 3D graphic (three.js) works only with IE11


09 Apr 15:18
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  1. Correctly show tooltips in case of overlapped objects
  2. Implement JSROOT.Create() method to create supported
    in JavaScript ROOT classes like TH1 or TGraph
  3. Fix problem with JSROOT.draw in HTML element with zero width (display:none)
  4. Provide possibility to load user scripts with JSROOT.BuildSimpleGUI
    and JSROOT.AssertPrerequisites, also with main index.htm
  5. Support of TCutG drawing
  6. Implement hierarchy display (former dtree) with jQuery
  7. Fix several problems in drawing optimization
  8. Implement dragging objects from hierarchy browser into existing canvas
    to superimpose several objects
  9. Implement col2 and col3 draw options, using html5 canvas
  10. Support 'p' and 'p0' draw options for TH1 class