This package provides access to the digitised Natural History collection at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center via tha Netherlands Biodiversity API.
- API version: v2
- Package version: 0.1.0
If not already done, install the devtools
package with the following command
if(!require(devtools)) { install.packages("devtools") }
install_github("ropensci/nbaR", build_vignettes=TRUE)
After installation, the package can be loaded as follows:
Documentation is provided in the package vignettes, see
Note that, due to size limitations, not all documentation is in the package vignettes. Full documentation can be found online here.
Note: parts of this API client have been generated by the swagger-codegen project. The code for classes and endpoints was generated using customised mustache templates and a customised swagger codegen engine. Information about the code generation process in this project can be found here.
Bug reports, questions or suggestions can be submitted to the issue tracker or via email to [email protected]