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Source project URL: teddysmithdev/FinShark

API URL: http://localhost:5017/swagger/index.html

Credentials for API: { "username": "admin", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "4dm|N|5tr4t0r" }

0 - Preparation

  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install Visual Studio (For .NET Core 8 framework only)
  • Install SQL Server + SSMS (Replaced with PostgreSql)
    brew install postgresql@15

Extensions for Visual Studio Code:

  • C#
  • C# Dev Kit
  • .NET Extension Pack
  • .NET Install Tool
  • Nuget Gallery
  • Prettier
  • C# Extension Pack By JosKreativ

1 - Creating project

dotnet new webapi -o api

Running api project:

dotnet watch run

2 - Models

Models & One-To-Many

3 - EntityFramework

Tools to install:

  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
  • Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL (Added as an extra due to replacement of MS SQL Server)
  • Npgsql (Added as an extra due to replacement of MS SQL Server)

Database creation

Database migrations

dotnet ef migrations add init
dotnet ef database update

Initial data on Stock table

INSERT INTO finshark.public."Stocks"("Symbol", "CompanyName", "Purchase", "LastDiv", "Industry", "MarketCap")
VALUES ('TSLA', 'Tesla', 100.00, 2.00, 'Automotive', 547100000000)
, ('MSFT', 'Microsoft', 100.00, 1.20, 'Technology', 3179710000000)
, ('SEB', 'Skandinaviska Enskilda banken', 56.00, 2.10, 'Finance', 316960000000)
, ('Swe', 'Swedbank', 44.00, 1.10, 'Finance', 248020000000)
, ('PLTR', 'Plantir', 23.00, 0, 'Technology', 123456)

4 - Controllers

GET /api/stocks/ GET /api/stocks/{id}

5 - DTOs

6 - POST (Create)

7 - PUT (Update)


9 - Asyn/Await

  • Define methods as async
  • Wrap return type by Task<>
  • Make database calls await and use async methods

For some reasons, EF remove operation is not asynchronious.

10 - Repository pattern + DI

Replacing repetetives (abstraction): _context.Stock.FirstOrDefault() -> repo.FindStock()

11 - Refactor to Repository

12 - Comment System

Initial comment seeding

INSERT INTO public."Comments"("Title", "Content", "CreatedOn", "StockId")
VALUES ('Test comment', 'This is my test comment content', '2024-04-13 22:11:55', 2)
	 , ('Another test comment', 'This is my another test comment content', '2024-04-13 22:14:00', 2)
	 , ('Another test comment', 'This is my another test comment content', '2024-04-13 22:14:00', 2)
	 , ('Test 2', 'Test comment content', '2024-04-10 14:33:21', 1)
	 , ('Test 3', 'Test 3 comment content', '2024-04-11 11:00:23', 1)
	 , ('Test 4', 'Test 4 comment content', '2024-04-01 10:03:55', 3)
	 , ('Test 5', 'Test 5 comment content', '2024-04-11 11:44:22', 3)
	 , ('Test 6', 'Test 6 comment content', '2024-04-11 12:05:45', 3);	 

13 - Comment GET + Include()

Installing additional packages:

  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson (For preventing loop when serializing objects)

14 - 1-To-Many Create (Post)

15 - Comment UPDATE (Post)

16 - Comment DELETE

17 - Data Validation

18 - Filtering

.AsQueryable() - deffers SQL rendering and allows to do the filtering .ToList() - Renders SQL

19 - Sorting

20 - Pagination

Implementation using LINQ:

  • .Skip()
  • .Take()
    var skipNumber = (query.PageNumber - 1) * query.PageSize;
    return await stocks.Skip(skipNumber).Take(query.PageSize).ToListAsync();

21 - ASP.NET Core Web API Identity JWT. Install Identity

Installing libraries:

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer

Creating user class:

public class AppUser : IdentityUser

Registering user in DBContext (replace DbContext with IdentityDbContext):

public class ApplicationDatabaseContext : IdentityDbContext<AppUser>


Registering in Program.cs

builder.Services.AddIdentity<AppUser, IdentityRole>(options=>
        options.Password.RequireDigit = true;
        options.Password.RequireLowercase = true;
        options.Password.RequireUppercase = true;
        options.Password.RequiredLength = 12;
        options.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric = true;

Adding authentication service and schemes

    options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = 
    options.DefaultChallengeScheme = 
    options.DefaultForbidScheme = 
    options.DefaultScheme = 
    options.DefaultSignInScheme = 
    options.DefaultSignOutScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddJwtBearer(options => 
    options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
        ValidateIssuer = true,
        ValidIssuer = builder.Configuration["JWT:Issuer"],
        ValidateAudience = true,
        ValidAudience = builder.Configuration["JWT:Audience"],
        ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
        IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(

Adding EF Migrations

dotnet ef migrations add Identity
dotnet ef database update

22 - Register (User management)

Adding EF migration to add users and roles

dotnet ef migrations add SeedRole
dotnet ef database update

23 - Token service

Claims vs Roles

  • Roles are more generic and broad (old school)
  • Claims don't require DB and verify fexible (new school)

MS has moved away from Roles

24 - Login

For login two things are used:

  1. User manager (to find the user)
  2. Signing manager (to validate password)

Swagger JWT support:

builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(option =>
    option.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Demo API", Version = "v1" });
    option.AddSecurityDefinition("Bearer", new OpenApiSecurityScheme
        In = ParameterLocation.Header,
        Description = "Please enter a valid token",
        Name = "Authorization",
        Type = SecuritySchemeType.Http,
        BearerFormat = "JWT",
        Scheme = "Bearer"
    option.AddSecurityRequirement(new OpenApiSecurityRequirement
            new OpenApiSecurityScheme
                Reference = new OpenApiReference
            new string[]{}

25 - Many-to-Many

Many-to-Many configuration on EF:


When applying changes to database:

  • Need to delete the migrations
  • Need to drop the database
  • Add EF migration
      dotnet ef migrations add PortfolioManyToMany
  • Apply changes to database
      dotnet ef database update

26 - Portfolio GET

27 - Porfolio CREATE

28 - Portfolio DELETE

29 - One-To-One

Model in the model

Adding EF migration

dotnet ef migrations add CommentOneToOne

30 - User generated Content

.Include() .ThenInclude() - for nested includes

31 - Data seeding

32 Finish API before React

React + .NET Core Finance Project

nmp install create-react-app
npx create-react-app frontend --template typescript

Snippets used (Extensions): ES7 + React/Redux/React-Native snippets


  • Intrinsic elements (e.x. <div></div>) -> React.createElement("div")
  • Value based elements (<MyComponent></MyComponent>) -> React.createElement() Running React app: npm start


Function component

  • function type -> React.FC
  • return type -> JSX.Element


Use state provides a getter and setter for you const[index, setIndex] = useState()

Event handlers

Financial Modeling Prep API

  • Using external API: Financial Modeling API
  • npm install axios --save
  • npm install --save-dev @types/axios
  • npm install dotenv --save

Creating seperate API file Creating global type file

Data flow

Lower level components are dumb components Higher level components are smart

Good architecture: Event goes up - to smarter ones Data flows down to dumb components

Search - Dump component

Restart was required to fetch variables from .env

Type Narrowing

Conditional Rendering


Iteration .map

npm install uuid npm install -save-dev @types/uuid



Recreating arrays instead of modifying existing ones!!

    const updatedPortfolio = [...portfolioValues,[0].value];


For deleting items from array we need to have a new instance of array as well. For that filter method can be used which returns a new instance of the array:

  const onPortfolioDelete = (e: any) => {
    const removed = portfolioValues.filter((value)=>{
      return value !==[0].value;


What is it?

A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.

How to install?

npm install -D tailwindcss

How to configure?

npx taiwindcss init

React router

npm install --save react-router npm install --save react-router-dom

npm install --save @types/react-router-dom npm install --save @types/react-router


Used for things outside of react app (e.x. external API)

  • ReferentialEquality Mode

}, [object])


npm install react-icons


Ratio list

Company profile/TTM

TTM - Trailing 12-month revenue Ticker data passes through: Page->Dasboard->Profile/TTM

Income statement

Cash Flow statment

Loading Spinner

npm install react-spinners

Comparable finder


10-K Finder

Finishing touches before API

React Typescript Context Auth JWT - Services

Keep code out of context using services Shareable state we put in Context

npm install react-toastify

React Typescript Context Auth JWT - Context

Context - global, shareable. Purpose is to share state downstream to components Regular component (Custom hook). Self contained object. Not aimed to be shared

React Typescript Context Auth JWT - Login

npm install react-hook-form yup @hookform/resolvers

React Typescript Context Auth JWT - Register

React Typescript Context Auth JWT - Protected Routes


React Typescript Context Auth JWT - Logout

React + ASP.NET Core. Comment box

React + ASP.NET Core. Comment List

React + ASP.NET Core. Portfolio Persisted








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