routerd keys add wallet --recover
routerd keys delete wallet
routerd keys export wallet
routerd keys import wallet wallet.backup
routerd q bank balances $( routerd keys show wallet -a)
routerd tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000000000000000route \
--pubkey $( routerd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker " YOUR_MONIKER_NAME" \
--identity " YOUR_KEYBASE_ID" \
--details " YOUR_DETAILS" \
--website " YOUR_WEBSITE_URL" \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--commission-max-rate 0.20 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.05 \
--min-self-delegation 1 \
--from wallet \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Edit an Existing Validator
routerd tx staking edit-validator \
--new-moniker " YOUR_MONIKER_NAME" \
--identity " YOUR_KEYBASE_ID" \
--details " YOUR_DETAILS" \
--website " YOUR_WEBSITE_URL" \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--from wallet \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
routerd tx slashing unjail \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
routerd query slashing signing-info $( routerd tendermint show-validator)
List All Active Validators
routerd q staking validators -oj --limit=3000 | jq ' .validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_BONDED")' | jq -r ' (.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 18)|floor|tostring) + " \t " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl
List All Inactive Validators
routerd q staking validators -oj --limit=3000 | jq ' .validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED")' | jq -r ' (.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 18)|floor|tostring) + " \t " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl
routerd q staking validator $( routerd keys show wallet --bech val -a)
Withdraw All Rewards from Validators
routerd tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Withdraw Commission and Rewards from Your Validator
routerd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $( routerd keys show wallet --bech val -a) \
--commission \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Delegate Tokens to Yourself
routerd tx staking delegate $( routerd keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000000000000000route \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Delegate Tokens to Another Validator
routerd tx staking delegate < TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 1000000000000000000route \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Redelegate Tokens to Another Validator
routerd tx staking redelegate $( routerd keys show wallet --bech val -a) < TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 1000000000000000000route \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Unbond Tokens from Your Validator
routerd tx staking unbond $( routerd keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000000000000000route \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Send Tokens to Another Wallet
routerd tx bank send wallet < TO_WALLET_ADDRESS> 1000000000000000000route \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
routerd query gov proposals
routerd query gov proposal 1
routerd tx gov vote 1 yes \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
routerd tx gov vote 1 no \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Vote 'Abstain' on a Proposal
routerd tx gov vote 1 abstain \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
Vote 'NoWithVeto' on a Proposal
routerd tx gov vote 1 NoWithVeto \
--from wallet \
--chain-id router_9600-1 \
--gas " 200000" \
--fees 5000route \
sed -i -e " s%^proxy_app = \" tcp://\" %proxy_app = \" tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT} 58\" %; s%^laddr = \" tcp://\" %laddr = \" tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT} 57\" %; s%^pprof_laddr = \" localhost:6060\" %pprof_laddr = \" localhost:${CUSTOM_PORT} 60\" %; s%^laddr = \" tcp://\" %laddr = \" tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT} 56\" %; s%^prometheus_listen_addr = \" :26660\" %prometheus_listen_addr = \" :${CUSTOM_PORT} 66\" %" $HOME /.routerd/config/config.toml
sed -i -e " s%^address = \" tcp://\" %address = \" tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT} 17\" %; s%^address = \" :8080\" %address = \" :${CUSTOM_PORT} 80\" %; s%^address = \"\" %address = \"${CUSTOM_PORT} 90\" %; s%^address = \"\" %address = \"${CUSTOM_PORT} 91\" %" $HOME /.routerd/config/app.toml
sed -i -e ' s|^indexer *=.*|indexer = "null"|' $HOME /.routerd/config/config.toml
sed -i -e ' s|^indexer *=.*|indexer = "kv"|' $HOME /.routerd/config/config.toml
sed -i \
-e ' s|^pruning *=.*|pruning = "custom"|' \
-e ' s|^pruning-keep-recent *=.*|pruning-keep-recent = "100"|' \
-e ' s|^pruning-keep-every *=.*|pruning-keep-every = "0"|' \
-e ' s|^pruning-interval *=.*|pruning-interval = "19"|' \
$HOME /.routerd/config/app.toml
routerd status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo
routerd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
echo $( routerd tendermint show-node-id) ' @' $( curl -s ' :' $( cat $HOME /.routerd/config/config.toml | sed -n ' /^laddr = /s|^.*:||p' )