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File metadata and controls

342 lines (253 loc) · 10.3 KB


VecturaKit is a Swift-based vector database designed for on-device applications, enabling advanced user experiences through local vector storage and retrieval. Inspired by Dripfarm's SVDB, VecturaKit utilizes MLTensor and swift-embeddings for generating and managing embeddings. The framework offers two primary modules: VecturaKit, which supports diverse embedding models via swift-embeddings, and VecturaMLXKit, which leverages Apple's MLX framework for accelerated processing.

Key Features

  • On-Device Storage: Stores and manages vector embeddings locally, enhancing privacy and reducing latency.
  • Hybrid Search: Combines vector similarity with BM25 text search for comprehensive and relevant search results (VecturaKit).
  • Batch Processing: Indexes documents in parallel for faster data ingestion.
  • Persistent Storage: Automatically saves and loads document data, preserving the database state across app sessions.
  • Configurable Search: Customizes search behavior with adjustable thresholds, result limits, and hybrid search weights.
  • Custom Storage Location: Specifies a custom directory for database storage.
  • MLX Support: Employs Apple's MLX framework for accelerated embedding generation and search operations (VecturaMLXKit).
  • CLI Tool: Includes a command-line interface (CLI) for database management, testing, and debugging for both VecturaKit and VecturaMLXKit.

Supported Platforms

  • macOS 14.0 or later
  • iOS 17.0 or later
  • tvOS 17.0 or later
  • visionOS 1.0 or later
  • watchOS 10.0 or later


Swift Package Manager

To integrate VecturaKit into your project using Swift Package Manager, add the following dependency in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", branch: "main"),


VecturaKit relies on the following Swift packages:


Core VecturaKit

  1. Import VecturaKit

    import VecturaKit
  2. Create Configuration and Initialize Database

    import Foundation
    import VecturaKit
    let config = VecturaConfig(
        name: "my-vector-db",
        directoryURL: nil,  // Optional custom storage location
        dimension: 384,     // Matches the default BERT model dimension
        searchOptions: VecturaConfig.SearchOptions(
            defaultNumResults: 10,
            minThreshold: 0.7,
            hybridWeight: 0.5,  // Balance between vector and text search
            k1: 1.2,           // BM25 parameters
            b: 0.75
    let vectorDB = try await VecturaKit(config: config)
  3. Add Documents

    Single document:

    let text = "Sample text to be embedded"
    let documentId = try await vectorDB.addDocument(
        text: text,
        id: UUID(),  // Optional, will be generated if not provided
        model: .id("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")  // Optional, this is the default

    Multiple documents in batch:

    let texts = [
        "First document text",
        "Second document text",
        "Third document text"
    let documentIds = try await vectorDB.addDocuments(
        texts: texts,
        ids: nil,  // Optional array of UUIDs
         model: .id("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2") // Optional model
  4. Search Documents

    Search by text (hybrid search):

    let results = try await
        query: "search query",
        numResults: 5,      // Optional
        threshold: 0.8,     // Optional
        model: .id("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")  // Optional
    for result in results {
        print("Document ID: \(")
        print("Text: \(result.text)")
        print("Similarity Score: \(result.score)")
        print("Created At: \(result.createdAt)")

    Search by vector embedding:

    let results = try await
        query: embeddingArray,  // [Float] matching config.dimension
        numResults: 5,  // Optional
        threshold: 0.8  // Optional
  5. Document Management

    Update document:

    try await vectorDB.updateDocument(
        id: documentId,
        newText: "Updated text",
        model: .id("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")  // Optional

    Delete documents:

    try await vectorDB.deleteDocuments(ids: [documentId1, documentId2])

    Reset database:

    try await vectorDB.reset()

VecturaMLXKit (MLX Version)

VecturaMLXKit harnesses Apple's MLX framework for accelerated processing, delivering optimized performance for on-device machine learning tasks.

  1. Import VecturaMLXKit

    import VecturaMLXKit
  2. Initialize Database

    import VecturaMLXKit
    import MLXEmbedders
    let config = VecturaConfig(
      name: "my-mlx-vector-db",
      dimension: 768 //  nomic_text_v1_5 model outputs 768-dimensional embeddings
    let vectorDB = try await VecturaMLXKit(config: config, modelConfiguration: .nomic_text_v1_5)
  3. Add Documents

    let texts = [
      "First document text",
      "Second document text",
      "Third document text"
    let documentIds = try await vectorDB.addDocuments(texts: texts)
  4. Search Documents

    let results = try await
        query: "search query",
        numResults: 5,      // Optional
        threshold: 0.8     // Optional
    for result in results {
        print("Document ID: \(")
        print("Text: \(result.text)")
        print("Similarity Score: \(result.score)")
        print("Created At: \(result.createdAt)")
  5. Document Management

    Update document:

    try await vectorDB.updateDocument(
         id: documentId,
         newText: "Updated text"

    Delete documents:

    try await vectorDB.deleteDocuments(ids: [documentId1, documentId2])

    Reset database:

    try await vectorDB.reset()

Command Line Interface

VecturaKit includes a command-line interface for both the standard and MLX versions, facilitating easy database management.

Standard CLI Tool

# Add documents
vectura add "First document" "Second document" "Third document" \
  --db-name "my-vector-db" \
  --dimension 384 \
  --model-id "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"

# Search documents
vectura search "search query" \
  --db-name "my-vector-db" \
  --dimension 384 \
  --threshold 0.7 \
  --num-results 5 \
  --model-id "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"

# Update document
vectura update <document-uuid> "Updated text content" \
  --db-name "my-vector-db" \
  --dimension 384 \
  --model-id "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"

# Delete documents
vectura delete <document-uuid-1> <document-uuid-2> \
  --db-name "my-vector-db" \
  --dimension 384

# Reset database
vectura reset \
  --db-name "my-vector-db" \
  --dimension 384

# Run demo with sample data
vectura mock \
  --db-name "my-vector-db" \
  --dimension 384 \
  --threshold 0.7 \
  --num-results 10 \
  --model-id "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"

Common options:

  • --db-name, -d: Database name (default: "vectura-cli-db")
  • --dimension, -v: Vector dimension (default: 384)
  • --threshold, -t: Minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)
  • --num-results, -n: Number of results to return (default: 10)
  • --model-id, -m: Model ID for embeddings (default: "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")


# Add documents
vectura-mlx add "First document" "Second document" "Third document" --db-name "my-mlx-vector-db"

# Search documents
vectura-mlx search "search query" --db-name "my-mlx-vector-db"  --threshold 0.7 --num-results 5

# Update document
vectura-mlx update <document-uuid> "Updated text content" --db-name "my-mlx-vector-db"

# Delete documents
vectura-mlx delete <document-uuid-1> <document-uuid-2> --db-name "my-mlx-vector-db"

# Reset database
vectura-mlx reset --db-name "my-mlx-vector-db"

# Run demo with sample data
vectura-mlx mock  --db-name "my-mlx-vector-db"


VecturaKit is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information. Copyright (c) 2025 Rudrank Riyam.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements.


The project is structured as a Swift Package. It includes the following key targets:

  • VecturaKit: The core vector database library.
  • VecturaMLXKit: The MLX-accelerated version of the library.
  • vectura-cli: The command-line interface for VecturaKit.
  • vectura-mlx-cli: The command-line interface for VecturaMLXKit.

To build and test the project, use the following commands:

swift build
swift test

The project also includes CI workflows defined in .github/workflows to automate building and testing on pull requests and pushes to the main branch. The workflows require Xcode 16.1 and Swift 6.0.

Debugging configurations are provided in .vscode/launch.json for the vectura-cli. These can be used to launch the CLI with the debugger attached.

Continuous Integration

The project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration. The following workflows are defined:

  • .github/workflows/build_and_test_mlx.yml: Builds and tests the VecturaMLXKit target.
  • .github/workflows/build_and_test_vectura.yml: Builds and tests the VecturaKit and vectura-cli targets.
  • .github/workflows/update-readme.yml: Automatically updates the file using a Python script that calls the Gemini AI model. This workflow is triggered on pushes to the main branch and creates a pull request with the updated README.