It's a platformer. Mario clone. Except that it has a level editor where you can save and load levels. I had a version that also had networking but it's on one of my old hard drives somewhere and I'm too lazy to find it. Also, the initial commit is the only commit I have, as when I made this (back in 2011) I didn't know what version control was. Sorry.
More details can be found in PRESENTATION.ppt.
cd src/
javac *.java
java Wuigi
- There's a warning when compiling in GameScreen.
- The file loader sometimes freezes when entering directories with certain types of files in them (I think it was that they had a space or something, but it's been years since I've touched this, so I forgot. It's pretty easy to fix).
- I had no concept of data structures or proper game programming when I made this, so it tends to get kind of choppy when more objects are added to the world.