diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 936a082..ede09b1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
A neovim plugin that helps managing crates.io dependencies.
-Feel free to open issues.
+> [See breaking changes](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/issues/89)
[Screencast from 2023-03-11 05-29-22.webm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43008152/224464963-9810110f-2923-4346-a442-9d4f2723bdff.webm)
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ lua require('crates').setup()
## [Documentation](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki)
-- [Stable](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki/Documentation-v0.4.0)
+- [Stable](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki/Documentation-v0.5.0)
- [Unstable](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki/Documentation-unstable)
## Related projects
diff --git a/docgen/templates/README.md.in b/docgen/templates/README.md.in
index 936a082..ede09b1 100644
--- a/docgen/templates/README.md.in
+++ b/docgen/templates/README.md.in
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
A neovim plugin that helps managing crates.io dependencies.
-Feel free to open issues.
+> [See breaking changes](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/issues/89)
[Screencast from 2023-03-11 05-29-22.webm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43008152/224464963-9810110f-2923-4346-a442-9d4f2723bdff.webm)
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ lua require('crates').setup()
## [Documentation](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki)
-- [Stable](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki/Documentation-v0.4.0)
+- [Stable](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki/Documentation-v0.5.0)
- [Unstable](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/wiki/Documentation-unstable)
## Related projects
diff --git a/docgen/wiki/Documentation-v0.5.0.md b/docgen/wiki/Documentation-v0.5.0.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2499de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docgen/wiki/Documentation-v0.5.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+Documentation for `crates.nvim` `v0.5.0`
+# Features
+- Complete crate names, versions and features using one of:
+ - In-process language server (`lsp`)
+ - [nvim-cmp](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp) source (`completion.cmp`)
+ - [coq.nvim](https://github.com/ms-jpq/coq_nvim) source (`completion.coq`)
+- Code actions using one of:
+ - In-process language server (`lsp`)
+ - [null-ls.nvim](https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim)/[none-ls.nvim](https://github.com/nvimtools/none-ls.nvim)
+- Update crates to newest compatible version
+- Upgrade crates to newest version
+- Respect existing version requirements and update them in an elegant way (`smart_insert`)
+- Show version and upgrade candidates
+ - Show if compatible version is a pre-release or yanked
+ - Show if no version is compatible
+- Open popup with crate info
+ - Open documentation, crates.io, repository and homepage urls
+- Open popup with crate versions
+ - Select a version by pressing enter (`popup.keys.select`)
+- Open popup with crate features
+ - Navigate the feature hierarchy
+ - Enable/disable features
+ - Indicate if a feature is enabled directly or transitively
+- Open popup with crate dependencies
+ - Navigate the dependency hierarchy
+ - Show `normal`, `build` and `dev` dependencies
+ - Show optional dependencies
+- Project-local configuration via [Neoconf](https://github.com/folke/neoconf.nvim)
+# Breaking changes
+## The `src` config key was renamed to `completion`
+Change the following:
+ require("crates").setup {
+- src = {
++ completion = {
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+## `nvim-cmp` source registration
+When using `nvim-cmp` and *NOT* the in-process lsp, it has to be manually enabled:
+ require("crates").setup {
+ src = {
+ completion = {
+ cmp = {
++ enabled = true,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+If you have `autoload` disabled you'll have to call it's setup manually:
+# Setup
+## In-process language server
+This is the recommended way to enable completion and code actions.
+Enable the in-process language server in the setup and select whether to enable
+code actions, auto completion and hover.
+require("crates").setup {
+ ...
+ lsp = {
+ enabled = true,
+ on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
+ -- the same on_attach function as for your other lsp's
+ end,
+ actions = true,
+ completion = true,
+ hover = true,
+ },
+## Auto completion
+Completion is supported in a few different ways, either by the [in-process language server],
+which also supports code actions, or by one of the following sources.
+### [nvim-cmp](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp) source
+Enable it in the setup.
+require("crates").setup {
+ ...
+ completion = {
+ ...
+ cmp = {
+ enabled = true,
+ },
+ },
+And add it to your list of sources.
+require("cmp").setup {
+ ...
+ sources = {
+ { name = "path" },
+ { name = "buffer" },
+ { name = "nvim_lsp" },
+ ...
+ { name = "crates" },
+ },
+Or add it lazily.
+vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufRead", {
+ group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CmpSourceCargo", { clear = true }),
+ pattern = "Cargo.toml",
+ callback = function()
+ cmp.setup.buffer({ sources = { { name = "crates" } } })
+ end,
+### [coq.nvim](https://github.com/ms-jpq/coq_nvim) source
+Enable it in the setup, and optionally change the display name.
+require("crates").setup {
+ ...
+ completion = {
+ ...
+ coq = {
+ enabled = true,
+ name = "crates.nvim",
+ },
+ },
+### Crate name completion
+Crate names in dependencies can be completed from searches on `crates.io`. This has to be
+enabled seperately:
+require("crates").setup {
+ ...
+ completion = {
+ crates = {
+ enabled = true -- disabled by default
+ max_results = 8 -- The maximum number of search results to display
+ min_chars = 3 -- The minimum number of charaters to type before completions begin appearing
+ }
+ }
+## Code actions
+Code actions are supported in a few different ways, either by the [in-process language server],
+which also supports completion, or by the null-ls/none-ls source.
+### [null-ls.nvim](https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim)/[none-ls.nvim](https://github.com/nvimtools/none-ls.nvim) source
+Enable it in the setup, and optionally change the display name.
+require("crates").setup {
+ ...
+ null_ls = {
+ enabled = true,
+ name = "crates.nvim",
+ },
+# Config
+For more information about the config types have a look at the vimdoc or [`lua/crates/config/types.lua`](https://github.com/Saecki/crates.nvim/blob/main/lua/crates/config/types.lua).
+## Default
+The icons in the default configuration require a patched font.
+Any [Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads) should work.
+require("crates").setup {
+ smart_insert = true,
+ insert_closing_quote = true,
+ autoload = true,
+ autoupdate = true,
+ autoupdate_throttle = 250,
+ loading_indicator = true,
+ search_indicator = true,
+ date_format = "%Y-%m-%d",
+ thousands_separator = ".",
+ notification_title = "crates.nvim",
+ curl_args = { "-sL", "--retry", "1" },
+ max_parallel_requests = 80,
+ open_programs = { "xdg-open", "open" },
+ expand_crate_moves_cursor = true,
+ enable_update_available_warning = true,
+ on_attach = function(bufnr) end,
+ text = {
+ searching = " Searching",
+ loading = " Loading",
+ version = " %s",
+ prerelease = " %s",
+ yanked = " %s",
+ nomatch = " No match",
+ upgrade = " %s",
+ error = " Error fetching crate",
+ },
+ highlight = {
+ searching = "CratesNvimSearching",
+ loading = "CratesNvimLoading",
+ version = "CratesNvimVersion",
+ prerelease = "CratesNvimPreRelease",
+ yanked = "CratesNvimYanked",
+ nomatch = "CratesNvimNoMatch",
+ upgrade = "CratesNvimUpgrade",
+ error = "CratesNvimError",
+ },
+ popup = {
+ autofocus = false,
+ hide_on_select = false,
+ copy_register = '"',
+ style = "minimal",
+ border = "none",
+ show_version_date = false,
+ show_dependency_version = true,
+ max_height = 30,
+ min_width = 20,
+ padding = 1,
+ text = {
+ title = " %s",
+ pill_left = "",
+ pill_right = "",
+ description = "%s",
+ created_label = " created ",
+ created = "%s",
+ updated_label = " updated ",
+ updated = "%s",
+ downloads_label = " downloads ",
+ downloads = "%s",
+ homepage_label = " homepage ",
+ homepage = "%s",
+ repository_label = " repository ",
+ repository = "%s",
+ documentation_label = " documentation ",
+ documentation = "%s",
+ crates_io_label = " crates.io ",
+ crates_io = "%s",
+ lib_rs_label = " lib.rs ",
+ lib_rs = "%s",
+ categories_label = " categories ",
+ keywords_label = " keywords ",
+ version = " %s",
+ prerelease = " %s",
+ yanked = " %s",
+ version_date = " %s",
+ feature = " %s",
+ enabled = " %s",
+ transitive = " %s",
+ normal_dependencies_title = " Dependencies",
+ build_dependencies_title = " Build dependencies",
+ dev_dependencies_title = " Dev dependencies",
+ dependency = " %s",
+ optional = " %s",
+ dependency_version = " %s",
+ loading = " ",
+ },
+ highlight = {
+ title = "CratesNvimPopupTitle",
+ pill_text = "CratesNvimPopupPillText",
+ pill_border = "CratesNvimPopupPillBorder",
+ description = "CratesNvimPopupDescription",
+ created_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ created = "CratesNvimPopupValue",
+ updated_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ updated = "CratesNvimPopupValue",
+ downloads_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ downloads = "CratesNvimPopupValue",
+ homepage_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ homepage = "CratesNvimPopupUrl",
+ repository_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ repository = "CratesNvimPopupUrl",
+ documentation_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ documentation = "CratesNvimPopupUrl",
+ crates_io_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ crates_io = "CratesNvimPopupUrl",
+ lib_rs_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ lib_rs = "CratesNvimPopupUrl",
+ categories_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ keywords_label = "CratesNvimPopupLabel",
+ version = "CratesNvimPopupVersion",
+ prerelease = "CratesNvimPopupPreRelease",
+ yanked = "CratesNvimPopupYanked",
+ version_date = "CratesNvimPopupVersionDate",
+ feature = "CratesNvimPopupFeature",
+ enabled = "CratesNvimPopupEnabled",
+ transitive = "CratesNvimPopupTransitive",
+ normal_dependencies_title = "CratesNvimPopupNormalDependenciesTitle",
+ build_dependencies_title = "CratesNvimPopupBuildDependenciesTitle",
+ dev_dependencies_title = "CratesNvimPopupDevDependenciesTitle",
+ dependency = "CratesNvimPopupDependency",
+ optional = "CratesNvimPopupOptional",
+ dependency_version = "CratesNvimPopupDependencyVersion",
+ loading = "CratesNvimPopupLoading",
+ },
+ keys = {
+ hide = { "q", "" },
+ open_url = { "" },
+ select = { "" },
+ select_alt = { "s" },
+ toggle_feature = { "" },
+ copy_value = { "yy" },
+ goto_item = { "gd", "K", "" },
+ jump_forward = { "" },
+ jump_back = { "", "" },
+ },
+ },
+ completion = {
+ insert_closing_quote = true,
+ text = {
+ prerelease = " pre-release ",
+ yanked = " yanked ",
+ },
+ cmp = {
+ enabled = false,
+ use_custom_kind = true,
+ kind_text = {
+ version = "Version",
+ feature = "Feature",
+ },
+ kind_highlight = {
+ version = "CmpItemKindVersion",
+ feature = "CmpItemKindFeature",
+ },
+ },
+ coq = {
+ enabled = false,
+ name = "crates.nvim",
+ },
+ crates = {
+ enabled = false,
+ min_chars = 3,
+ max_results = 8,
+ },
+ },
+ null_ls = {
+ enabled = false,
+ name = "crates.nvim",
+ },
+ lsp = {
+ enabled = false,
+ name = "crates.nvim",
+ on_attach = function(client, bufnr) end,
+ actions = false,
+ completion = false,
+ hover = false,
+ },
+## Plain text
+Replace these fields if you don"t have a patched font.
+require("crates").setup {
+ text = {
+ loading = " Loading...",
+ version = " %s",
+ prerelease = " %s",
+ yanked = " %s yanked",
+ nomatch = " Not found",
+ upgrade = " %s",
+ error = " Error fetching crate",
+ },
+ popup = {
+ text = {
+ title = "# %s",
+ pill_left = "",
+ pill_right = "",
+ created_label = "created ",
+ updated_label = "updated ",
+ downloads_label = "downloads ",
+ homepage_label = "homepage ",
+ repository_label = "repository ",
+ documentation_label = "documentation ",
+ crates_io_label = "crates.io ",
+ lib_rs_label = "lib.rs ",
+ categories_label = "categories ",
+ keywords_label = "keywords ",
+ version = "%s",
+ prerelease = "%s pre-release",
+ yanked = "%s yanked",
+ enabled = "* s",
+ transitive = "~ s",
+ normal_dependencies_title = " Dependencies",
+ build_dependencies_title = " Build dependencies",
+ dev_dependencies_title = " Dev dependencies",
+ optional = "? %s",
+ loading = " ...",
+ },
+ },
+ completion = {
+ text = {
+ prerelease = " pre-release ",
+ yanked = " yanked ",
+ },
+ },
+## Functions
+-- Setup config and auto commands.
+require("crates").setup(cfg: crates.UserConfig)
+-- Disable UI elements (virtual text and diagnostics).
+-- Enable UI elements (virtual text and diagnostics).
+-- Enable or disable UI elements (virtual text and diagnostics).
+-- Update data. Optionally specify which `buf` to update.
+require("crates").update(buf: integer|nil)
+-- Reload data (clears cache). Optionally specify which `buf` to reload.
+require("crates").reload(buf: integer|nil)
+-- Upgrade the crate on the current line.
+-- If the `alt` flag is passed as true, the opposite of the `smart_insert` config
+-- option will be used to insert the version.
+require("crates").upgrade_crate(alt: boolean|nil)
+-- Upgrade the crates on the lines visually selected.
+-- See `crates.upgrade_crate()`.
+require("crates").upgrade_crates(alt: boolean|nil)
+-- Upgrade all crates in the buffer.
+-- See `crates.upgrade_crate()`.
+require("crates").upgrade_all_crates(alt: boolean|nil)
+-- Update the crate on the current line.
+-- See `crates.upgrade_crate()`.
+require("crates").update_crate(alt: boolean|nil)
+-- Update the crates on the lines visually selected.
+-- See `crates.upgrade_crate()`.
+require("crates").update_crates(alt: boolean|nil)
+-- Update all crates in the buffer.
+-- See `crates.upgrade_crate()`.
+require("crates").update_all_crates(alt: boolean|nil)
+-- Expand a plain crate declaration into an inline table.
+-- Extract an crate declaration from a dependency section into a table.
+-- Convert crate dependency to use a git source instead of version number.
+-- Open the homepage of the crate on the current line.
+-- Open the repository page of the crate on the current line.
+-- Open the documentation page of the crate on the current line.
+-- Open the `crates.io` page of the crate on the current line.
+-- Open the `lib.rs` page of the crate on the current line.
+-- Returns whether there is information to show in a popup.
+require("crates").popup_available(): boolean
+-- Show/hide popup with crate details, all versions, all features or details about one feature.
+-- If `popup.autofocus` is disabled calling this again will focus the popup.
+-- Same as `crates.show_popup()` but always show crate details.
+-- Same as `crates.show_popup()` but always show versions.
+-- Same as `crates.show_popup()` but always show features or features details.
+-- Same as `crates.show_popup()` but always show dependencies.
+-- Focus the popup (jump into the floating window).
+-- Optionally specify the line to jump to, inside the popup.
+require("crates").focus_popup(line: integer|nil)
+-- Hide the popup.
+## Command
+Run a crates.nvim ``. All ``s are just wrappers around the
+corresponding functions. These are the functions available as commands:
+- `hide()`
+- `show()`
+- `toggle()`
+- `update()`
+- `reload()`
+- `upgrade_crate()`
+- `upgrade_crates()`
+- `upgrade_all_crates()`
+- `update_crate()`
+- `update_crates()`
+- `update_all_crates()`
+- `use_git_source()`
+- `expand_plain_crate_to_inline_table()`
+- `extract_crate_into_table()`
+- `open_homepage()`
+- `open_repository()`
+- `open_documentation()`
+- `open_cratesio()`
+- `popup_available()`
+- `show_popup()`
+- `show_crate_popup()`
+- `show_versions_popup()`
+- `show_features_popup()`
+- `show_dependencies_popup()`
+- `focus_popup()`
+- `hide_popup()`
+## Key mappings
+Some examples of key mappings.
+local crates = require("crates")
+local opts = { silent = true }
+vim.keymap.set("n", "ct", crates.toggle, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cr", crates.reload, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cv", crates.show_versions_popup, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cf", crates.show_features_popup, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cd", crates.show_dependencies_popup, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cu", crates.update_crate, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("v", "cu", crates.update_crates, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "ca", crates.update_all_crates, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cU", crates.upgrade_crate, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("v", "cU", crates.upgrade_crates, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cA", crates.upgrade_all_crates, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cx", crates.expand_plain_crate_to_inline_table, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cX", crates.extract_crate_into_table, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cH", crates.open_homepage, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cR", crates.open_repository, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cD", crates.open_documentation, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cC", crates.open_crates_io, opts)
+vim.keymap.set("n", "cL", crates.open_lib_rs, opts)
+In vimscript
+nnoremap ct :lua require("crates").toggle()
+nnoremap cr :lua require("crates").reload()
+nnoremap cv :lua require("crates").show_versions_popup()
+nnoremap cf :lua require("crates").show_features_popup()
+nnoremap cd :lua require("crates").show_dependencies_popup()
+nnoremap cu :lua require("crates").update_crate()
+vnoremap cu :lua require("crates").update_crates()
+nnoremap ca :lua require("crates").update_all_crates()
+nnoremap cU :lua require("crates").upgrade_crate()
+vnoremap cU :lua require("crates").upgrade_crates()
+nnoremap cA :lua require("crates").upgrade_all_crates()
+nnoremap cx :lua require("crates").expand_plain_crate_to_inline_table()
+nnoremap cX :lua require("crates").extract_crate_into_table()
+nnoremap cH :lua require("crates").open_homepage()
+nnoremap cR :lua require("crates").open_repository()
+nnoremap cD :lua require("crates").open_documentation()
+nnoremap cC :lua require("crates").open_crates_io()
+nnoremap cL :lua require("crates").open_lib_rs()
+## Show appropriate documentation in `Cargo.toml`
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you're using the in-process language server and `lsp.hover` is enabled, this isn't necessary.
+How you might integrate `show_popup` into your `init.lua`.
+local function show_documentation()
+ local filetype = vim.bo.filetype
+ if filetype == "vim" or filetype == "help" then
+ vim.cmd('h '..vim.fn.expand(''))
+ elseif filetype == "man" then
+ vim.cmd('Man '..vim.fn.expand(''))
+ elseif vim.fn.expand('%:t') == 'Cargo.toml' and require('crates').popup_available() then
+ require('crates').show_popup()
+ else
+ vim.lsp.buf.hover()
+ end
+vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', show_documentation, { silent = true })
+How you might integrate `show_popup` into your `init.vim`.
+nnoremap K :call show_documentation()
+function! s:show_documentation()
+ if (index(["vim","help"], &filetype) >= 0)
+ execute "h ".expand("")
+ elseif (&filetype == "man")
+ execute "Man ".expand("")
+ elseif (expand("%:t") == "Cargo.toml" && luaeval("require('crates').popup_available()"))
+ lua require("crates").show_popup()
+ else
+ lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()
+ endif
+## Neoconf Integration
+You can also set project-local settings if you have [Neoconf](https://github.com/folke/neoconf.nvim)
+installed; all settings are exactly the same, but are under the "crates"
+// .neoconf.json
+ //...
+ "crates": {
+ "smart_insert": false,
+ "max_parallel_requests": 50,
+ "completion": {
+ "crates": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/docgen/wiki/Home.md b/docgen/wiki/Home.md
index 0ea1dd9..3767e04 100644
--- a/docgen/wiki/Home.md
+++ b/docgen/wiki/Home.md
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
## Documentation
### [[unstable|Documentation unstable]]
-### [[v0.4.0 (stable)|Documentation v0.4.0]]
+### [[v0.5.0 (stable)|Documentation v0.5.0]]
+### [[v0.4.0 |Documentation v0.4.0]]