diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 597fd75..b6877f2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,108 @@
+# Dependencies
+ Matplotlib, PyTorch, TorchVision, OpenCV
+ conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
+ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
+ conda install -c conda-forge opencv
+## Long-term Learning
+* Download [coco](http://cocodataset.org) dataset into folder "data-root", so that it looks like:
+ data-root
+ ├──coco
+ ├── annotations
+ │ ├── annotations_trainval2017
+ │ └── image_info_test2017
+ └── images
+ ├── test2017
+ ├── train2017
+ └── val2017
+* Install coco dataset tools (required by PyTorch).
+ conda install -c conda-forge pycocotools
+* Run
+ python3 train_coder.py --data-root [data-root] --model-save saves/ae.pt
+ # This requires a long time for training on single GPU.
+ # Create a folder "saves" manually and a model named "ae.pt" will be saved.
+* You may skip this step, if you download the pre-trained [at.pt](link).
+## Short-term Learning
+* Dowload the [SubT](http://theairlab.org/dataset/interestingness) front camera data (SubTF) and put into folder "data-root", so that it looks like:
+ data-root
+ ├──SubTF
+ ├── 0817-ugv0-tunnel0
+ ├── 0817-ugv1-tunnel0
+ ├── 0818-ugv0-tunnel1
+ ├── 0818-ugv1-tunnel1
+ ├── 0820-ugv0-tunnel1
+ ├── 0821-ugv0-tunnel0
+ ├── 0821-ugv1-tunnel0
+ ├── ground-truth
+ └── train
+* Run
+ python3 train_interest.py --data-root [data-root] --model-save saves/ae.pt --dataset SubTF --memory-size 1000 --save-flag n1000
+ # This will read the previous model "ae.pt".
+ # A new model "ae.pt.SubTF.n1000.mse" will be generated.
+* You may skip this step, if you download the pre-trained [ae.pt.SubTF.n1000.mse](link).
+ ## On-line Learning
+ * Run
+ python3 test_interest.py --data-root [data-root] --model-save saves/ae.pt.SubTF.n1000.mse --dataset SubTF --test-data 0
+ # --test-data The sequence ID in the dataset SubTF, [0-6] is avaiable
+ # This will read the trained model "ae.pt.SubTF.n1000.mse" from short-term learning.
+ * For convenience, you may run
+ bash test.sh
+ * This will generate results files that are compatible with the evaluation metric in [SubT](https://github.com/wang-chen/SubT.git)
+ * You may skip this step, if you download our generated [results](link).
+# Evaluation
+* We follow the [SubT](https://github.com/wang-chen/SubT.git) tutorial for evaluation, simply run
+ python performance.py --data-root [data-root] --save-flag n1000 --category interest-1
+ # mean accuracy: [0.66235087 0.84281507 0.95655934]
+ python performance.py --data-root [data-root] --save-flag n1000 --category interest-2
+ # mean accuracy: [0.40703316 0.58456123 0.76820896]
+* This will generate performance figures and create data curves for two categories in folder "performance".
+# Citation
+ @article{wang2020visual,
+ author = {Wang, Chen and Wang, Wenshan and Qiu, Yuheng and Hu, Yafei and Scherer, Sebastian},
+ journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.08829},
+ title = {{Visual Memorability for Robotic Interestingness via Unsupervised Online Learning}},
+ year = {2020}
+ }
You may watch the following video to catch the idea of this work.
- [](https://youtu.be/gBBdYdUrIcw)