Static website for sih2022 kudacam entry
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Maintainer Vighnesh Manjrekar
Pull Request is a way or method in which you can contribute to another developers repositry on Git hub 1)First you should search and find a suitable repositry in which you want to contribute to. 2)After finding the suitable repositry you should message the developer that you are interested in contributing to the repositry and would like to take up the issue. 3)As soon as he assigns you the issue,You are supposed to go the code section and create a fork. 4)After creating a fork you can edit or submit the file to solve the particular issue. 5)After uploading your code you are supposed to create a pull request from the given options. 6)You are then supposed to add a comment and description to your issue and hit submit pull request. 7)After submiting the pull request you then are supposed to reach out to your developer and inform him about the change's made and tell him that you have solved their issue.