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2.5 2008-01-25

TO Run RWiki you will need trunk +
 which requires


This is now the default for 2.3 and later.

Sakai Wiki for Sakai 2.1.2

Changes since 2.1
Restructured into a service/component/tool structure to eliminate side effects with ehcache.
Added a resources helper to make it easier to embed and link to files in Resources.
Made Wiki Objects conform with the Sakai Entity Model
Added Archive ability so that all Rwiki data appears in archives created by the Site Archive tool.
Added Merge ability so that the Site Archive tool can merge archives into worksited
Added RSS Feeds (0.92, 1.0, 2.0)
Added Atom Feeds (0.3)
Added a "really" public HTML page to remove issues with older public view page.
Added wiki.experimental property to
Added Email notification on Edit page to all worksite members
Added wiki.comments to to enable Comments pages.

Comments Pages

Prior to version 2.1.2 deployers had to edit the jsp files to enable the Page Comments UI. 
We have moved this into

To enable comments in the sakai instance, set



The default setting is wiki.comments=false

Experimental Features
Experimental features are not consided ready for mainstream release, but enable the deployer to
try out features that are under active development.

To enable experimental features, set


If not present, the default is wiki.experimental=false

Experimental Features in Sakai 2.1.2
A UI to manage the Notification settings on a worksite by worksite basis.
Section Support macro
Section Support Permissions control UI.
Site wide search integration.

Sakai RWiki for Sakai 2

The provided war should be installed as sakai-rwiki.war in the webapps folder of a 
sakai tomcat instance.

How to Build

There are several ways to build this project. The simplest is to do:

maven sakai

This should build and deploy the webapp to the correct place in your local sakai 

The other options are to build the following sub-projects separately: 
radeox, jrcs, rwiki-service, and rwiki. Their default goals should be enough.
Finally you would have to install the war created by the rwiki sub-project in
your sakai-tomcat folder as sakai-rwiki.war

Known Issues

1. To install math support you should set the init-params headerScriptSrc and
footerScript appropriately. We recommend that you keep these as the default and
install an appropriate library in /library/jsMath. We suggest that you use
jsMath ( but cannot
distribute it as it is GPL.

2. Searching is restricted to the default permission realm, and doesn't check
that the pages returned can actually be viewed by the searcher.