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File metadata and controls

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Hadoop High Availability

Description of additional steps for provisioning highly available services.


Please consider this feature experimental, in particular do not attempt to use it in any kind of production environment. Also note that at this point there is no (and probably never will be) support for migration from singlenode into HA mode.

This extension can mainly be useful in quickly setting up a functioning Hadoop HA environment for testing purposes.

New states:

Will only have effect on nodes targetted as primary_namenode_target and secondary_namenode_target. As there is only this one state (having different effects on the two types) your orchestration will have to take care of this happening in the correct order (primary first, then secondary). There is also a substantual number of additional prerequisites prior to Namenode initialization, described below.

Additional Formula Dependencies:

  • zookeeper

Salt Minion Configuration

As mentioned above, all installation and configuration is assinged via roles. Mounted disks (or just directories) can be configured for use with hdfs and mapreduce via grains.

Example /etc/salt/grains for the "primary" namenode:

  - /data1
  - /data2
  - /data3
  - /data4

  - hadoop_master
  - yarn_master
  - hdfs_namenode1

Example /etc/salt/grains for the "secondary" namenode:

  - /data1
  - /data2
  - /data3
  - /data4

  - hadoop_master
  - hdfs_namenode2

Example /etc/salt/grains for a journalnode:

  - /data1

  - hdfs_journalnode

Orchestration Example:

Since this feature is more complex than the already distributed Hadoop architecture normally is, here is a short listing of service components and their place in the order of setup - as should be mandated by a salt orchestration script.

  1. Prerequisites as usual (name resolution, NTP, JDK installation)
  2. Install Hadoop binaries and configuration on all targeted Hadoop cluster members
  3. Install Zookeeper binaries and configuration on all targeted Zookeeper cluster members
  4. Start all service members of the Zookeeper cluster
  5. Start all HDFS datanodes
  6. Start all HDFS journalnodes
  7. On the designated "first" namenode (to become the active member)
  1. Initialize HDFS namenode metadata as usual (hdfs namenode -format)
  2. Initialize Zookeeper for namenode HA (hdfs zkfc -formatZK)
  3. Start namenode service as usual (service hadoop-namenode start)
  4. Start the zookeeper fencing service (service hadoop-zkfc start)
  1. On the designated "second" namenodes (to become the standby members):
  1. Prepare HDFS namenode metadata (hdfs namenode -prepareStandby)
  2. Start namenode service as usual (service hadoop-namenode start)
  3. Start the zookeeper fencing service (service hadoop-zkfc start)

Below is an example orchestration script to illustrate what the listed actions might look like in Salt

    - tgt: '*'
    - sls:
      - hostsfile
      - hostsfile.hostname
      - ntp.server

    - tgt: 'G@roles:hadoop_master or G@roles:hadoop_slave or G@roles:zookeeper'
    - tgt_type: compound
    - require:
      - salt: prep
    - sls:
      - sun-java
      - sun-java.env
      - zookeeper

    - tgt: 'G@roles:zookeeper'
    - tgt_type: compound
    - require:
        - salt: hnode_prep
    - sls:
        - zookeeper.server

    - tgt: 'G@roles:hadoop_master or G@roles:hadoop_slave or G@roles:hdfs_journalnode'
    - tgt_type: compound
    - require:
      - salt: zookeeper_service
    - sls:
      - hadoop
      - hadoop.hdfs

    - tgt: 'G@roles:hdfs_namenode1'
    - tgt_type: compound
    - require:
      - salt: hadoop_hdfs
    - sls:
      - hadoop.hdfs.ha_namenode

    - tgt: 'G@roles:hdfs_namenode2'
    - tgt_type: compound
    - require:
      - salt: hadoop_hdfs_ha_init
    - sls:
      - hadoop.hdfs.ha_namenode