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Quick reference

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

What is RStudio Package Manager?

Posit Package Manager, formerly RStudio Package Manager, is a repository management server to organize and centralize R packages across your team, department, or entire organization. Get offline access to CRAN, automate CRAN syncs, share local packages, restrict package access, find packages across repositories, and more. Experience reliable and consistent package management, optimized for teams who use R.

The following documentation helps an administrator install and configure Package Manager. It provides information for installing the product on different operating systems, upgrading, and configuring Package Manager.

Notice for support

  1. This image may introduce BREAKING changes; as such we recommend:
    • Avoid using the {operating-system} tags to avoid unexpected version changes, and
    • Always read through the NEWS to understand the changes before updating.
  2. Outdated images will be removed periodically from DockerHub as product version updates are made. Please make plans to update at times or use your own build of the images.
  3. These images are meant as a starting point for your needs. Consider creating a fork of this repo, where you can continue to merge in changes we make while having your own security scanning, base OS in use, or other custom changes. We provide instructions for building for these cases.
  4. The Package Manager image uses the No Sandbox option documented here by default, if you need a more secure option for configuring Git-related package builds we recommend using a system with sandboxing enabled.

How to use this image

To verify basic functionality as a first step:

# Replace with valid license

# Run without persistent data and using default configuration
docker run -it \
    -p 4242:4242 \

Open http://localhost:4242 to access RStudio Package Manager UI.


Note that running the RStudio Package Manager Docker image requires a valid RStudio Package Manager license.

This container includes:

  1. One version of R
  2. RStudio Package Manager

NOTE: Package Manager is currently not very particular about R version. Changing the R version is rarely necessary.


RStudio Package Manager is configured via the/etc/rstudio-pm/rstudio-pm.gcfg file. You should mount this file as a volume from the host machine. Changes will take effect when the container is restarted.

Be sure the config file has the [HTTP].Listen field configured. See a complete example of that file at package-manager/rstudio-pm.gcfg.

Persistent Data

In order to persist Package Manager data between container restarts, configure the Server.DataDir option to go to a persistent volume. The included configuration file expects a persistent volume from the host machine or your docker orchestration system to be available at /var/lib/rstudio-pm. Should you wish to move this to a different path, you can change the Server.DataDir option.

When changing Server.DataDir to a custom location, we also recommend setting Server.LauncherDir to a consistent location within Server.DataDir, such as {Server.DataDir}/launcher_internal. The default location of Server.LauncherDir depends on the container's hostname, which may be different each time the container restarts.

DataDir = /mnt/rspm/data
; Use a consistent location for the Launcher directory. The default location
; is based on the hostname, and the hostname may be different in each container.
LauncherDir = /mnt/rspm/data/launcher_internal


Using the RStudio Package Manager Docker image requires a valid license for Package Manager. You can set the license in three ways:

  1. Setting the RSPM_LICENSE environment variable to a valid license key inside the container
  2. Setting the RSPM_LICENSE_SERVER environment variable to a valid license server / port inside the container
  3. Mounting a /etc/rstudio-pm/license.lic single file that contains a valid license for RStudio Package Manager

NOTE: the "offline activation process" is not supported by this image today. Offline installations will need to explore using a license server, license file, or custom image with manual intervention.

Environment variables

Variable Description Default
RSPM_LICENSE License key for RStudio Package Manager, format should be: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX None
RSPM_LICENSE_SERVER Floating license server, format should be: None


Variable Description
4242 Default HTTP Port for RStudio Package Manager

Example usage

# Replace with valid license

# Run without persistent data and using an external configuration
docker run -it \
    -p 4242:4242 \
    -v $PWD/package-manager/rstudio-pm.gcfg:/etc/rstudio-pm/rstudio-pm.gcfg \

# Run with persistent data and using an external configuration
docker run -it \
    -p 4242:4242 \
    -v $PWD/data/rspm:/data \
    -v $PWD/package-manager/rstudio-pm.gcfg:/etc/rstudio-pm/rstudio-pm.gcfg \

Open http://localhost:4242 to access RStudio Package Manager UI.

To create repositories you need to access the container directly and execute some commands. To do this find the container ID for RSPM (using docker ps) and run:

docker exec -it {container-id} /bin/bash

Then please refer to the RSPM guide on how to create and manage your repositories.

Caveats of product licensing in containers

Note: This section does not apply to activations using license files.

There is currently a known licensing bug when using our products in containers. If the container is not stopped gracefully, the license deactivation step may fail or be skipped. Failing to deactivate the license can result in a "license leak" where a product activation is used up and cannot be deactivated using traditional methods as the activation state on the container has been lost.

To avoid "leaking" licenses, we encourage users not to force kill containers and to use --stop-timeout 120 and --time 120 for docker run and docker stop commands respectively. This helps ensure the deactivation script has ample time to run properly.

In some situations, it can be difficult or impossible to avoid a hard termination (e.g. power failure, critical error on host). Unfortunately, any of these cases can still cause a license to leak an activation. To help prevent a license leak in these situations, users can mount the following directories to persistent storage to preserve the license state data across restarts of the container. These directories differ between products.

  • License Key
    • /home/rstudio-pm/.local
    • /home/rstudio-pm/.prof
    • /home/rstudio-pm/.rstudio-pm
  • Floating License
    • /home/rstudio-pm/.TurboFloat

Please note that the files created in these directories are hardware locked and non-transferable between hosts. Due to the nature of the hardware fingerprinting algorithm, any low-level changes to the host or container can cause existing license state files to invalidate. To avoid this problem, we advise that product containers are gracefully shutdown and allowed to deactivate prior to changing any hardware or firmware on the host (e.g. upgrading a network card or updating BIOS) or the container (e.g. changing the network driver used or the allocated number of CPU cores).

While preserving license state data can help avoid license leaks across restarts, it's not a guarantee. If you run into issues with your license, please do not hesitate to contact Posit support.

While neither of these solutions will eliminate the problem, they should help mitigate it. We are still investigating a long-term solution.


The license associated with the RStudio Docker Products repository is located in

As is the case with all container images, the images themselves also contain other software which may be under other licenses (i.e. bash, linux, system libraries, etc., along with any other direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

It is an image user's responsibility to ensure that use of this image (and any of its dependent layers) complies with all relevant licenses for the software contained in the image.