diff --git a/Scan/Invoke-BruteForce.ps1 b/Scan/Invoke-BruteForce.ps1 index 8f3637f..4cfd9ab 100644 --- a/Scan/Invoke-BruteForce.ps1 +++ b/Scan/Invoke-BruteForce.ps1 @@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ PS > Invoke-BruteForce -ComputerName targetdomain.com -UserList C:\test\users.tx Brute force a Domain Controller of targetdomain.com for users listed in users.txt and passwords in wordlist.txt. Since StopOnSuccess is specified, the brute forcing stops on first success. +.EXAMPLE +PS > Invoke-BruteForce -ComputerName targetmachine -UserList C:\test\users.txt -PasswordList C:\test\wordlist.txt -Service LocalAccounts -StopOnSuccess -Verbose +Brute force the local mahcine for local users listed in users.txt and passwords in wordlist.txt. +Since StopOnSuccess is specified, the brute forcing stops on first success. + .EXAMPLE PS > cat C:\test\servers.txt | Invoke-BruteForce -UserList C:\test\users.txt -PasswordList C:\test\wordlist.txt -Service SQL -Verbose Brute force SQL Service on all the servers specified in servers.txt