-- Mode: rst --
- getheaders.
- hardening.
- sanity check hashes of known blocks
- script for downloading bootstrap.dat & matching utxo.bin.
- match compiler
- investigate using our own copy of ripemd160 (using the one in 'hashlib' is a back-door openssl dep.)
- disk i/o thread for access to blocks.bin.
caesure uses a persistent data structure (a functional AA tree) to implement a 'many worlds' approach to the UTXO database. Within an area at the front of the chain, each block/fork has its own version of the ledger, each with a separate history. Each fork updates independently. When a dead fork has fallen far enough behind, its ledger data is abandoned.
A faster, stl-based data structure is used for the initial scan. The plan is to distribute paired 'blocks.dat' and 'utxo.bin' files via bittorrent.
memory requirements: Oct 2014, ~3GB.
- ledger: final task remains - connecting the many-worlds ledger to txn flow.
- test suites.
- getdata/blocks: before txns, let's forward blocks.
- proper package installation and directory for blocks.bin etc...
- use html_help module.
- getblocks.
- p2sh.